Covington Teens vs Washington Post

How many lawsuits has Trump settled in his lifetime? By your standards, that means your Feckless Leader's credibility was destroyed a long time ago.

.....and there it is.......loony left is always having to bring Trump into a conversation......TDS is strong w/this nut job.
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How many lawsuits has Trump settled in his lifetime? By your standards, that means your Feckless Leader's credibility was destroyed a long time ago.

what happened to the old "if you have nothing to hide you should testify" argument you folks were throwing around in the impeachment thread? If CNN is innocent they should welcome their chance to clear their name amirite?
what happened to the old "if you have nothing to hide you should testify" argument you folks were throwing around in the impeachment thread? If CNN is innocent they should welcome their chance to clear their name amirite?
No. Have you ever worked for a big corporation? I have worked for two that were innocent of the claims against them but chose to settle out of court. It is almost always cheaper to settle than the cost of a trial and whatever inflated settlement a judge imposes if you lose. Plus, it is always better to avoid court and to silence the noise that comes from a lawsuit.

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