Covington Teens vs Washington Post

Don't know this guy's sources, but this was my suspicion as well--i.e., he's getting nuisance value settlements.

That's nothing but left wing crap to throw on the wall. Problem is that you thought enough of it to bring it to the board. There's no mention of numbers, nor is there a mention of what constitutes a nuisance amount. Would $25 mill be a nuisance amount? How 'bout $1 mill? It behooves CNN and WaPost to fight this stuff so as to discourage other folks from doing this. The fact that they decided against that is very telling. What you've brought to the board is worthless. It tells us nothing. Sandmann still has several other lawsuits pending.
I don’t know do you? Can you prove pennies on the dollar? 😂
You're the one using the same information another poster is to try to disprove the assertion. I thought you knew. I should have known better.

If he was asking for $1mil and got $900,000, that would be pennies on the dollar.
You know, I’m all for CNN, WashPo, MSNBC, and whoever else having to pay up for smearing this kid BUT those amounts are ridiculous. Part of the problem we have in this country is the insensitivity to large verdicts/settlements and the tendency of juries looking to punish corporations. Nuclear verdicts have gone through the roof with no end in sight but guess who pays for it? We all do! A small percentage of attorneys are getting fat off of every one of us by getting these large amounts, which raises costs for companies, and causes the cost of goods to rise. It’s just like the coaching salaries being out of control is part of the reason ticket prices are soaring. Again, I’m all for suing as he was wronged but how in the world was $800M or even $250M worth of damage done to this kid?
what is ridiculous is what the lawyers take will be.
You're the one using the same information another poster is to try to disprove the assertion. I thought you knew. I should have known better.

If he was asking for $1mil and got $900,000, that would be pennies on the dollar.
Nicholas Sandmann reaches Settlement with NBC in Covington Catholic High School controversy

Nicholas Sandmann settled Friday with NBC-Universal, he said.

The media had lambasted the Covington Catholic High School student from Kentucky, now 19, over a confrontation at the 2019 March for Life in Washington, D.C.

"At this time I would like to release that NBC and I have reached a settlement," wrote Sandmann on Twitter, adding that the terms were confidential.

Nicholas Sandmann reaches settlement with NBC in Covington Catholic High School controversy
I disagree with the judge's opinion for dismissal.

What are your thoughts?
I think the law developed in such a way that judges bend over backwards to find reason why statements aren’t defamatory, and for good reason. A robust public discourse comes with some unpleasant trade-offs the same way the right to keep and bear arms or the freedom from intrusion into one’s papers and possessions do.

Assuming you’re right and he was legitimately defamed (haven’t followed super closely, just knew it was of interest here) he is probably also suffering the consequences of the current climate of performative litigation, SLAPP suits, and threatening letters that have cropped up in our current political climate.
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I think the law developed in such a way that judges bend over backwards to find reason why statements aren’t defamatory, and for good reason. A robust public discourse comes with some unpleasant trade-offs the same way the right to keep and bear arms or the freedom from intrusion into one’s papers and possessions do.

Assuming you’re right and he was legitimately defamed (haven’t followed super closely, just knew it was of interest here) he is probably also suffering the consequences of the current climate of performative litigation, SLAPP suits, and threatening letters that have cropped up in our current political climate.
News and opinion are thought to be seperate in news media. Opinions are given specific places to air...even within sections of news outlets otherwise sharing news.
Do you think the judge overlooked that separation? And does that form the argument for an appeal?

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