CPAC. LOL. You can't make up this kind of hilarity

I guess one of the speakers mentioned people discussing the 10th amendment amongst themselves and now Twitter is full of people bragging how they don't know what it is and have never discussed it. Imagine bragging about being a moron.

C’mon it’s implicit in many if your posts - you do it all the time
Then I'd suggest you prepare for the moment

How is that Obama's problem? Netflix wants to pay him for content. Trump would take the offer. I swear free market people sometimes have problems with people in politics they disagree with landing deals.

And your question is stupid. Did Netflix exist, in its current form, pre Obama. Maybe bush? So one person.

I’ll whore myself out to NetFlix, PrimeVideo, Hulu...whoever for that kind of $$. I can make up the content as I go. If Obama can get it, fine by me.

FFS...people will come up with anything. Sure, they built a stage with that purpose. A racist/anti Semitic/bigoted stage. Sure thing. The gold idol is pretty over the top and ridiculous though. That’s in pretty bad taste IMO.
Trump will tell CPAC he does not want to split from the GOP and form his own party and will call on Republicans to unite behind him: Corey Lewandowski says 'buckle up' for 'electric speech'

Donald Trump is expected to announce in his speech Sunday that he will not start his own party, but instead call for Republicans to unite as he returns to the political limelight in a keynote address at the Conservative Political Actions Conference.

'We are not starting new parties, and we will not be dividing our power and our strength. Instead, we will be united and strong like never before,' Trump will say, according to an excerpt of the speech obtained by Fox News.

Although Trump won't officially announce anything in regards to his political future, Fox reports he will walk 'right up to the line of announcing another campaign' to take back the White House from President Joe Biden in 2024.

The speech is expected to last 90 minutes, minimum.


Although several potential 2024 Republican presidential contenders made appearances at CPAC, most of them made it clear they support Trump and would put support behind him.

Trump will tell CPAC that he does NOT want to break from the GOP and form his own party | Daily Mail Online
If those red lines weren't there, there would be nothing to see. Jack Posobeic knows that, it's why he had to draw them.

Also Jack Posobeic is a clown.
Thanks for playing. If obsessed idiots didn’t stretch to some obscure collar point the average person would never even think to connect the stage shape to Hitler. Rent free.
Thanks for playing. If obsessed idiots didn’t stretch to some obscure collar point the average person would never even think to connect the stage shape to Hitler. Rent free.


I dunno, I see it in the Tea Pain tweet. You do to. You don't want to - but you see it.

Is 'rent free' some new Qanon code? You guys keep saying it in ways where there is zero context or sense about it.

Remember when the left had a golden idol statue of Obama? No? Me neither.
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I think people are trusting Romney since he had private sector experience. He started a business and made it a very profitable one. He rid the olympics of a lot of corruption and helped make it a success. If the economy had went south a little earlier he would have been the candidate last election not McCain. He will be a serious candidate for 2012.

The media and Democrats allowed the truth about Romney's business experience to go falsely reported. People often say that he bought failing businesses and turned them around. That is absolutely wrong. Romney's business model was to buy healthy companies and transfer money out of them into Baine Capital, that is into his own pockets and the pockets of his investors. Who were those investors? Because Romney could not find American investors for his business plan, he took money from Central American landowners who were believed to also finance notorious death squads which disappeared entire villages. Romney profitted from human misery coming and going. The man got rich from buying and bankrupting healthy companies. There is no exaggeration in saying that he was a vampire capitalist who preyed on the lives of Americans who worked hard to build good companies. Yes, he made a couple of exceptions to that model after accumulating a fortune with it, but the exceptions were financed with money extracted from the good companies he already destroyed.

I dunno, I see it in the Tea Pain tweet. You do to. You don't want to - but you see it.

Is 'rent free' some new Qanon code? You guys keep saying it in ways where there is zero context or sense about it.

Remember when the left had a golden idol statue of Obama? No? Me neither.
Look, Derp, I realize you can’t quit Trump but making stupid connections to obscure symbols nobody really knew existed isn’t a winning strategy.

Nice deflection to the statue. Yes that’s stupid.

You’re still acting like a clown
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Look, Derp, I realize you can’t quit Trump but making stupid connections to obscure symbols nobody really knew existed isn’t a winning strategy.

Nice deflection to the statue. Yes that’s stupid.

You’re still acting like a clown

Why on Earth would I want to stop making connections to Trump? He's the human toilet that your team has embraced, just look at the golden turd your knuckle dragging buddies are rolling around CPAC.

Don't run from it ND, own it. Embrace the stupid, your friends are.

"rent free" haha
Why on Earth would I want to stop making connections to Trump? He's the human toilet that your team has embraced, just look at the golden turd your knuckle dragging buddies are rolling around CPAC.

Don't run from it ND, own it. Embrace the stupid, your friends are.

"rent free" haha
Still being a clown, Derp. You’re trying to make a Hitler connection that isn’t real. Stretch doesn’t even describe this dumbassery.

Rent free indeed. In your head.
All of y’all are obsessed with what the other side is doing. Every day there’s a post from a conservative about what the democrats are doing, and every day there is a post from a liberal about what the republicans are doing.
Still being a clown, Derp. You’re trying to make a Hitler connection that isn’t real. Stretch doesn’t even describe this dumbassery.

Rent free indeed. In your head.

😂 I admire your dedication to drinking the punch in the bowl filled with turds.

Enjoy the next four years.

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