Criminal Tax Evasion Charges Forthcoming Against Trump Org.

Can someone Reader Digest this for me? Everything is related to Weisselberg living in a NYC apartment, which he did not pay for, correct? Weisselberg paid federal, state and local taxes elsewhere omitting the value of the apartment as income, and he claimed to live somewhere other than NYC, so he didn't pay NYC taxes. And they are going back to 2005?
If Weisselberg or Trump Co are victims of a political witch hunt, there’s a selective prosecution defense that they can plead in court.
Just looked it up. Pretty high standard to meet in NY though. Must show not only that the law wasn't applied to similarly situated people, but also that the prosecution was deliberately based on something like race, religion, or other arbitrary classification.
Just looked it up. Pretty high standard to meet in NY though. Must show not only that the law wasn't applied to similarly situated people, but also that the prosecution was deliberately based on something like race, religion, or other arbitrary classification.
You’re not real bright are you? Did he really need to use blue font?
Can someone Reader Digest this for me? Everything is related to Weisselberg living in a NYC apartment, which he did not pay for, correct? Weisselberg paid federal, state and local taxes elsewhere omitting the value of the apartment as income, and he claimed to live somewhere other than NYC, so he didn't pay NYC taxes. And they are going back to 2005?

Tax evasion valued at roughly 1 million, plus getting refunds he wasn't entitled to. Rich guy evading taxes is gonna play so we'll to a NYC jury composed of people scraping to get by.
Tax evasion valued at roughly 1 million, plus getting refunds he wasn't entitled to. Rich guy evading taxes is gonna play so we'll to a NYC jury composed of people scraping to get by.
Well… that’s the turd you girls have currently hurled towards the wall.
Tax evasion valued at roughly 1 million, plus getting refunds he wasn't entitled to. Rich guy evading taxes is gonna play so we'll to a NYC jury composed of people scraping to get by.
So now NYC is just scraping by. Last year these scrapers were subsidizing red states
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Tax evasion valued at roughly 1 million, plus getting refunds he wasn't entitled to. Rich guy evading taxes is gonna play so we'll to a NYC jury composed of people scraping to get by.
Thanks, did he evade all taxes or just NY(C)? Did he claim residence and income in Newark (as an example) to avoid NY(C) taxes?
This is the same lady who campaigned on the idea of going after trump. She didn’t know what for, just that she was going to get him. So I imagine this is complete nonsense

Except we live in a country where everybody is breaking the law (usually unbeknownst) so you can just decide to go after somebody and probably find something. It just doesn't usually happen to the ruling class
Can someone Reader Digest this for me? Everything is related to Weisselberg living in a NYC apartment, which he did not pay for, correct? Weisselberg paid federal, state and local taxes elsewhere omitting the value of the apartment as income, and he claimed to live somewhere other than NYC, so he didn't pay NYC taxes. And they are going back to 2005?

They are going back to 2005 since he should have filed NYC returns from 2005-2012 since he worked and lived in the city (doesn't matter that he had a residence outside the city). There is no statute of limitations there.

The rest of the issue was should have the apartment rent/utilities/car/garage/kids tuition paid by Trump Organization been included in the CFO's W2. There's some instances in the tax law where some of those items are not included in a W2 but based on the indictment, those instances did not exist here.

Bottom line: Appears to be tax evasion here but this is 100% a political hack job. The CFO really hurt himself with not filing NYC returns since that is allowing them to go back over 15 years and could lead to a more severe punishment for him.
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Just looked it up. Pretty high standard to meet in NY though. Must show not only that the law wasn't applied to similarly situated people, but also that the prosecution was deliberately based on something like race, religion, or other arbitrary classification.
Sounds a lot like what’s being claimed, though.
How are they gonna show that prosecutors had similar evidence of seven-figure tax evasion against others, but elected not to prosecute.
I didn’t say they would meet their burden, only that what people are claiming is going on is a defense that can be adjudicated.

If the proof doesn’t support it, then I guess the takeaway is that when you’re criming, and especially if your crimes are explicitly documented in a second set of official business records that are easily obtainable by the government, it’s prudent to maintain a low profile. Publicly *****ing on the government and investigative journalists and motivating them to dig into and find evidence of your crimes is just bad criming.

It’s axiomatic: don’t throw rocks from glass houses.
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Just looked it up. Pretty high standard to meet in NY though. Must show not only that the law wasn't applied to similarly situated people, but also that the prosecution was deliberately based on something like race, religion, or other arbitrary classification.

I'm not an attorney but pretty sure the failure to file NYC returns will negate this "selective witch hunt" defense...

No statute of limitations on unfiled returns. If a taxing agency discovered that I did not have 8 years of filed returns, they would prosecute.
Thanks, did he evade all taxes or just NY(C)? Did he claim residence and income in Newark (as an example) to avoid NY(C) taxes?

He did not file 8 years of NYC returns because he claimed he wasn't a resident (he had a residence outside of NYC as well). NYC law is pretty clear, if you work in the city, you are required to pay NYC taxes. He also lived in the apartment in question as well, which would require a NYC filing obligation too. I

Regarding NYS, the evasion would be from under-reporting his W2 income by the amount of fringe benefits that should have been included in taxable wages. Yes, this is evasion (taking the indictment at face value) but this is smaller potatoes and would likely have a much shorter statute of limitations.
sounds like an objective source

“He’s definitely in a situation he’s never been in before -- because his company has been indicted,” said Res, who oversaw Trump’s construction in the 1980s and wrote a book about it called “Tower of Lies.” “I don’t think he can come back better than ever.”
Saw that too. But didn’t figure it was worth pointing out to her she’d just ignore it like everything else with her “sources”
sounds like an objective source

“He’s definitely in a situation he’s never been in before -- because his company has been indicted,” said Res, who oversaw Trump’s construction in the 1980s and wrote a book about it called “Tower of Lies.” “I don’t think he can come back better than ever.”
Because if there's one thing Trump is known for, it's telling the truth, right?
When the indictment meant says “cars” for Weisselberg AND his wife, I wonder if it was multiple cars at once or if “cars” is plural because it wasn’t the same 2005 Mercedes assigned to the CFO over 15 years.

Weisselberg Is going to argue that he wasn’t a NYC resident because he maintained his home elsewhere.

The tuition could be argued that it was gifted if it came from Trump’s personal accounts. Maybe he liked the kids and felt like helping to educate them (wink, wink).

If Weisselberg was working on the side as a consultant for the other entities, and not as their CFOs, then why couldn’t that compensation be considered IC work?

All of this has the appearance of interpretation of tax code as much as criminal activity. The perks just have more zeroes. Almost every business owner in the country could be attacked on a smaller scale. How many have golf memberships used to conduct meetings and interviews with clients, employees, potential clients and employees?

Weisselberg will probably settle since the government has unlimited resources to pursue their interpretations and it is the cheapest, safest way to end the witch hunt. Then the Dems, liberals, leftists, and media will claim victory.

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