Cuban/Mavericks Stop Playing National Anthem

This has absolutely nothing to do with how pointless the anthem is at sporting events. The fact that people stood doesn’t make it any less pointless

If it was pointless they were free to ignore it. Most didnt. I suspect because many liked the opportunity to reflect on where they live and why their way of life is possible. Perhaps they were there with an uncle or dad that served. Or perhaps they were missing an uncle, dad, brother, etc. that served and are no longer here.

Nonetheless, people were free to not participate, to believe it was a stupid and nonsensical misplaced event. The overwhelming majority did not share that view. But keep hoping.
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I support it being played anytime we play against someone from a different country. Why not just leave it up to the people running the event and leave it at that?
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No need to shrug it off, calling it out for what it is.

I've never been to a NBA game. If they had never played the anthem, wouldnt care. But they have and thus this is a decision to side with the people that believe the US is the problem.

So the Mavs don’t think it’s necessary to play the anthem at sporting events, and you don’t think it’s necessary to play the anthem at sporting events, but you’re still here arguing about it? OK
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So the Mavs don’t think it’s necessary to play the anthem at sporting events, and you don’t think it’s necessary to play the anthem at sporting events, but you’re still here arguing about it? OK

Alas, the "you're here on a message board" discussing a topic. Perhaps top 5 in dumbest types of posts.
If it was pointless they were free to ignore it. Most didnt. I suspect because many liked the opportunity to reflect on where they live and why their way of life is possible. Perhaps they were there with an uncle or dad that served. Or perhaps they were missing an uncle, dad, brother, etc. that served and are no longer here.

Nonetheless, people were free to not participate, to believe it was a stupid and nonsensical misplaced event. The overwhelming majority did not share that view. But keep hoping.

These are not the same thing and I want to say you’re smarter than this. One can participate and still believe that it’s a stupid and misplaced event, and I’m sure that is where many fall.

If you started playing the anthem in movie theaters, probably everyone would think it’s dumb but most would still stand
These are not the same thing and I want to say you’re smarter than this. One can participate and still believe that it’s a stupid and misplaced event, and I’m sure that is where many fall.

If you started playing the anthem in movie theaters, probably everyone would think it’s dumb but most would still stand
I am guessing that you believe saying a prayer before the game is stupid as well.
These are not the same thing and I want to say you’re smarter than this. One can participate and still believe that it’s a stupid and misplaced event, and I’m sure that is where many fall.

If you started playing the anthem in movie theaters, probably everyone would think it’s dumb but most would still stand

Different worlds we live in. I've never stood and listened to the anthem and thought it was a pointless or dumb moment in my life.
I do. I don’t need the anthem played at the end of every radio station commercial break to remember that
When do you do that? I'm genuinely curious. Before dinner? When you wake up in the morning? Before bed? When you are walking down the street alone or mostly when someone calls you out on it?

Awww you hate to see it happen to the genocide supporting race baiting commies in the nba....
It wont matter

I hope the NBA goes bankrupt
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When do you do that? I'm genuinely curious. Before dinner? When you wake up in the morning? Before bed? When you are walking down the street alone or mostly when someone calls you out on it?

Personally, when I think about any of our freedoms (including for arguments on here), when I think about foreign policy or politics generally, when there’s a peaceful transfer of power, when I see someone in uniform or someone I know served (including those in my family), when I see or pass streets named after military members, I wouldn’t say it’s every day but it’s a long list. It happens when I hear the anthem too but I don’t think that’s a reason to play it everywhere
Personally, when I think about any of our freedoms (including for arguments on here), when I think about foreign policy or politics generally, when there’s a peaceful transfer of power, when I see someone in uniform or someone I know served (including those in my family), when I see or pass streets named after military members, I wouldn’t say it’s every day but it’s a long list. It happens when I hear the anthem too but I don’t think that’s a reason to play it everywhere
So what does it hurt to play it before a sporting event? Gives everyone a moment to be thankful that we live in a country where we can pay exorbitant amounts of money to watch grown men play children's games for insane salaries... and those that gave us that privilege. There is a peaceful transfer of power every 4-8 years. That is hardly anything to brag about if that's when you think of these things. As to all those other things you listed, I am sorry, but I don't believe that you think of those things when you see a street named for someone or a guy in uniform. I just don't. And maybe the anthem wouldn't cause you to have those thoughts either. I see many around me that just want it to be done and that makes me more sad than anything.

But what about the prayer? That is mostly a southern thing I think, and long before I became a Christian I respected those that wanted to take those moments and reflect and thank God and ask him to protect both teams. Why should the anthem be any different? Take a moment, be thankful. Does it really hurt that bad?
So what does it hurt to play it before a sporting event? Gives everyone a moment to be thankful that we live in a country where we can pay exorbitant amounts of money to watch grown men play children's games for insane salaries... and those that gave us that privilege. There is a peaceful transfer of power every 4-8 years. That is hardly anything to brag about if that's when you think of these things. As to all those other things you listed, I am sorry, but I don't believe that you think of those things when you see a street named for someone or a guy in uniform. I just don't. And maybe the anthem wouldn't cause you to have those thoughts either. I see many around me that just want it to be done and that makes me more sad than anything.

But what about the prayer? That is mostly a southern thing I think, and long before I became a Christian I respected those that wanted to take those moments and reflect and thank God and ask him to protect both teams. Why should the anthem be any different? Take a moment, be thankful. Does it really hurt that bad?

The “what does it hurt” question can be asked for any situation. What would it hurt to play it before school, movies and meals? Eventually it feels like forced patriotism, and you said it at the end of your first paragraph: many just want it to be over.

It doesn’t particularly hurt me personally, but if the question is why we need to play the America song before basketball games, I don’t have a great answer.
The “what does it hurt” question can be asked for any situation. What would it hurt to play it before school, movies and meals? Eventually it feels like forced patriotism, and you said it at the end of your first paragraph: many just want it to be over.

It doesn’t particularly hurt me personally, but if the question is why we need to play the America song before basketball games, I don’t have a great answer.
"Forced" That is one of the saddest things I have read on here. I guess this dovetails into the PC world in which we now live. We can't do anything anymore without fear of offending someone. It is too much to ask anyone to stfu and just respect others' beliefs with 30 seconds of silence.

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"Forced" That is one of the saddest things I have read on here. I guess this dovetails into the PC world in which we now live. We can't do anything anymore without fear of offending someone. It is too much to ask anyone to stfu and just respect others' beliefs with 30 seconds of silence.


Meh the same people acting like victims in the above bolded “I can’t do anything” sense are the ones yelling at others who don’t stand or “respect the flag enough”. With the way it’s been used as a weapon to accuse people of hating America/the military, there are good reasons for people not to like it
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"Forced" That is one of the saddest things I have read on here. I guess this dovetails into the PC world in which we now live. We can't do anything anymore without fear of offending someone. It is too much to ask anyone to stfu and just respect others' beliefs with 30 seconds of silence.


Said differently, if you’re all about “respecting others’ beliefs,” then stop worrying about what Kaepernick is doing during the anthem
I guess my issue is that this is a distraction... on both sides. We have far bigger concerns than this triggering nonsense. I've been saying this for over 4 years.

This country has huge issues and the 24 hour news cycle, 2 party system and words that certain groups can say but others can't is ripping us apart.
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Evidently people were quite happy with it, as the overwhelming majority, for decades, stood and sung along.

I have stood for the anthem every time it's played but it was rarely ever because i was "happy" about it playing. A good rendition can be a great experience but we've definitely gone overboard with sports.

For all you bemoaning the disappearance of the anthem, I challenge you to sing it with your family once a week at the dinner table. Stop relying on pro sports to lead the way in this observance.
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