Culinary, Arts, Thread.

I STILL havenā€™t gotten an ā€œahemā€ from the mods. Whatā€™s a girl gotta do??
All it takes is some nuckle head bad mouthing those kids on the team and it gets to me (yes, they are kids to someone my age). Ok to be critical of play, but to be outright nasty, not cool. Gets me every time. If I remember, I started calling the poster stupid and went downhill from there. Not one of my finer moments.
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All it takes is some nuckle head bad mouthing those kids on the team and it gets to me (yes, they are kids to someone my age). Ok to be critical of play, but to be outright nasty, not cool. Gets me every time. If I remember, I started calling the poster stupid and went downhill from there. Not one of my finer moments.
Sometimes youā€™ve just gotta climb up on a chair and start hollerinā€™.

And separate of that, there needs to be an alternative - and vocal - viewpoint on VN to some of the mouth-breathers. IMO JMO MPG BBQ ETC
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Sometimes youā€™ve just gotta climb up on a chair and start hollerinā€™.

And separate of that, there needs to be an alternative - and vocal - viewpoint on VN to some of the mouth-breathers. IMO JMO MPG BBQ ETC
Love that! šŸ˜‚. Guess thatā€™s why I started staying away from the ff, last off season was bad, but this year, itā€™s a choice of 2 posters trying to be right in their opinion of JG (personally donā€™t care, will support who is starter, regardless), and well, thatā€™s just about it.
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I ration my time on the FF because theyā€™re so irrational. It hurts my brain.

Not always, but sometimes I feel like I lose IQ points reading some of it. To be fair, we are all here because we love our Vols and college football and love talking about them. Thereā€™s not much, besides spring practice to keep up occupied and out of trouble at this moment.
I might try the aloe water

I started drinking after my Dr suggested it as an alternative to sodas and regular water for weight loss purposes. Really long story short, it didn't seem to have any effect on weight loss, but... Like I said, even though my doc won't confirm nor deny, I think it has all but cured my ulcer problem. I'm convinced.

All that said, it's possible its just in my head, but it is one of the listed benefits, that and a healthier digestive track. I've been drinking it for about 8 months and I love it. I drink the Gloe Aloe Crisp. 15 calories per 8oz. I get the 33.8 (litre) carton and it's $3.29 at Publix, can't find it at Wally world. I drink about one every day and a half.
I started drinking after my Dr suggested it as an alternative to sodas and regular water for weight loss purposes. Really long story short, it didn't seem to have any effect on weight loss, but... Like I said, even though my doc won't confirm nor deny, I think it has all but cured my ulcer problem. I'm convinced.

All that said, it's possible its just in my head, but it is one of the listed benefits, that and a healthier digestive track. I've been drinking it for about 8 months and I love it. I drink the Gloe Aloe Crisp. 15 calories per 8oz. I get the 33.8 (litre) carton and it's $3.29 at Publix, can't find it at Wally world. I drink about one every day and a half.
If you donā€™t mind me asking, are you worried about weight control?
If you donā€™t mind me asking, are you worried about weight control?

Only because I gained 40 lbs. After I quit smoking. I did good for about a month by losing almost 20 lbs. But I slacked off again and put it back on.

No, I'm not "worried ", just want to lose some lbs. It's hard.
Only because I gained 40 lbs. After I quit smoking. I did good for about a month by losing almost 20 lbs. But I slacked off again and put it back on.

No, I'm not "worried ", just want to lose some lbs. It's hard.
You can do it!
Only because I gained 40 lbs. After I quit smoking. I did good for about a month by losing almost 20 lbs. But I slacked off again and put it back on.

No, I'm not "worried ", just want to lose some lbs. It's hard.

I lost 60 lbs in the last year, first part wasnā€™t healthy. Last part, watching what I ate. Used to love the fast food, until I read up on it. I donā€™t take you for that type.
I lost 60 lbs in the last year, first part wasnā€™t healthy. Last part, watching what I ate. Used to love the fast food, until I read up on it. I donā€™t take you for that type.

Fast food isn't an issue, never has been. Good news is I'm not really trying right now, other issues are more important than muh weight.

I could try a little bit, lol, these fresh blueberries I'm eating right now didn't have to have 2 tablespoons of crĆØme fraĆ®che on top. The chicken burrito didn't have to have any either.
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Fast food isn't an issue, never has been. Good news is I'm not really trying right now, other issues are more important than muh weight.

I could try a little bit, lol, these fresh blueberries I'm eating right now didn't have to have 2 tablespoons of crĆØme fraĆ®che on top. The chicken burrito didn't have to have any either.
Good to hear on the fast food part, I donā€™t believe Iā€™m as knowledgeable as you on the sour cream front. No, seriously. What do you do in the food industry? Iā€™m just a simple cook.
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