Culinary, Arts, Thread.

They called the cops on me.

Give her your phone...

Interesting. So, since I'm the one that actually posted it, you girls think I'm a pervert? Is that correct?

No Behr, having fun at the expense of NorCal. If I didn’t see some of that from time to time from you guys, I’d worry. I’ve seen worse, remember I was in the Navy and had a SEAL for a roommate.
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Oh jeez. I am sitting at an outdoor bar with a woman next to me and my phone in plain sight. Pretty sure she saw that gif.
Not seeing the problem. Seems like the perfect time to give her a creepy smile and ask her if she's ever heard of rufies.
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I remember when Pinot Grigio was consumed by few. Now, it's everywhere. Those who don't drink Pinot Grigio (and call it just "Pinot") are largely into un-oaked Chardonnays. I'm more of a red wine drinker but like to have a couple of bottles of white on hand for when "whites-only" types drop by. Damned near universally, the "Pinot" crowd poo-poos un-oaked Chardonnay and the un-oaked Chardonnay crowd blechs on Pinot Grigio. I gotta find a versatile dry white that's neither of those, one that I'll drink with certain foodstuffs and is unfamiliar to the "Pinot" and un-oaked "Chard" crowds, one that I can spring on them unwittingly, one they'll be forced to taste in order to form an opinion. Dry Riesling is out of favor at present. Unlike Fume and Sauvignon blancs, most people don't have a predisposition towards dry Rieslings. I'm open to other suggestions.

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