Culinary, Arts, Thread.

I remember when Pinot Grigio was consumed by few. Now, it's everywhere. Those who don't drink Pinot Grigio (and call it just "Pinot") are largely into un-oaked Chardonnays. I'm more of a red wine drinker but like to have a couple of bottles of white on hand for when "whites-only" types drop by. Damned near universally, the "Pinot" crowd poo-poos un-oaked Chardonnay and the un-oaked Chardonnay crowd blechs on Pinot Grigio. I gotta find a versatile dry white that's neither of those, one that I'll drink with certain foodstuffs and is unfamiliar to the "Pinot" and un-oaked "Chard" crowds, one that I can spring on them unwittingly, one they'll be forced to taste in order to form an opinion. Dry Riesling is out of favor at present. Unlike Fume and Sauvignon blancs, most people don't have a predisposition towards dry Rieslings. I'm open to other suggestions.
I like PG, and the only Cali Chardonnays I like are un-oaked. (And if I wanted buttery wine, I’d melt a stick of butter and add it to my glass, dammit.) And I like dry Rieslings.

How about a white burgundy? I used to drink Pouilly Fuisse until I started my personal crusade for good cheap wine.
Out of all the things in this world you could refuse to eat, I happenedit to be eating them at the very moment you posted that, and you want to be a smartass? I hope you're eating rancid chicken liver.
I was being sincere, chithead!
Only food I can think of that I've tried, don't like and won't eat is liver. From any animal.

I don't care for goat cheese but I just ate some last week. It's a main ingredient in a signature dish I make. I've tried with other cheeses but it's just not the same. I don't care for lamb but I'll eat it every once in a while.

I've never tried monkey brains, and won't. I used to not eat oysters on the half shell, but I wanted to like them so bad I made myself like them. Now 15 years later there's not much I enjoy more than going to the Lazy Flamingo on Sanibel and eating a couple of dozen.

And the thing with mac and cheese is not as bad as we all make it to be. I think macaroni is a stupid pasta to use for cheese. Use a bigger pasta with some cheese that's not powdered out of a box and I'm good. Kraft mac and cheese? Gtfo. And I think putting lobster in mac and cheese is beyond stupit. SMDH. But, restaurants are selling the chit out of it, so poopoo on me. Idgas. Haha.

The only thing liver is good for, is fishing.
I thought you were in North Carolina!
I’ve been in Memphis pretty much nonstop since my mother fell on March 23, with the exception of two recent other trips (SIL’s memorial service and long-planned beach trip.

Hubs and I have been mostly apart since early January. He was in Denver with his sister and mother Jan to early March and then me in Memphis. Frankly, this sucks. 😕
I’ve been in Memphis pretty much nonstop since my mother fell on March 23, with the exception of two recent other trips (SIL’s memorial service and long-planned beach trip.

Hubs and I have been mostly apart since early January. He was in Denver with his sister and mother Jan to early March and then me in Memphis. Frankly, this sucks. 😕
That does suck.

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