Culinary, Arts, Thread.

Sitting here watching "The Jerk". It's been a good day for classic comedies.
I haven’t seen that in years. I like Steve Martin but never was a huge fan of that movie for some reason. Maybe I saw it at the wrong time. Idk.
I haven’t seen that in years. I like Steve Martin but never was a huge fan of that movie for some reason. Maybe I saw it at the wrong time. Idk.
I like farcical comedies like that. Watched Airplane! earlier.
Transplant was June of '17. Back was November of '17.
18 months? That long ago? I can’t believe I didn’t read something about it. I’m really sorry man. It’s good to hear physical therapy is helping though.
18 months? That long ago? I can’t believe I didn’t read something about it. I’m really sorry man. It’s good to hear physical therapy is helping though.
I'd be further along but had two hernia surgeries in '18. Had to heal up between surgeries.
Unreal. How did you get hernias?
When I had cirrhosis, I retained unreal amounts of fluid. It pushed everything out of sorts, so I had the hernias for awhile. Too be safe, they spaced out the surgeries for my body to heal.

There was a time I was having fluid drained every two weeks. Normally 9-10 liters at a time. The most was 13 liters. It was rough.
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When I had cirrhosis, I retained unreal amounts of fluid. It pushed everything out of sorts, so I had the hernias for awhile. Too be safe, they spaced out the surgeries for my body to heal.

There was a time I was having fluid drained every two weeks. Normally 9-10 liters at a time. The most was 13 liters. It was rough.
I can’t even fathom what that must be like. Are you past all the other issues now except for the back rehabilitation?
I can’t even fathom what that must be like. Are you past all the other issues now except for the back rehabilitation?

Still have a few other things to work on, but if I can get my back well enough to walk without pain, I'll be in a much better place.
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Still have a few other things to work on, but if I can get my back well enough to walk without pain, I'll be in a much better place.
How long have you been rehabbing it and what do they say is the timeframe that you can hopefully walk without pain?
How long have you been rehabbing it and what do they say is the timeframe that you can hopefully walk without pain?
Been rehabbing like 2 months. I'll finish up next week. After that I keep working on my own. No guarantees it ever gets better, but one can hope. The back is tricky. But I've noticed improvement so hopefully I get there.

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