Culinary, Arts, Thread.

I don't remember how long it's been since I told my Favorite story about me and Behr. Been a few years though.

My neighbors were going to the Keys for the weekend and had one of those little white Easter rabbits that lived in a cage in their pool enclosure and asked me to feed it while they were gone. Sure. This was on Wednesday they asked and were leaving Friday morning.

Friday late morning I'm out on the lanai and I see Behr coming across the yard with the rabbit in his mouth. It's limp. Dead.

I freak out. I call him and he stops but won't come, so I walk to him. He's dropped the rabbit and looking at me like he knows he shouldn't have that in his mouth.

Anyway, the rabbits dead but not bloody or anything just wet from being in Behr's mouth. So I go to two different pet stores to see if I could get a replacement and neither had one the same size.

I get back home and decide to clean the rabbits fur real good just put it back in tbe cage like nothing had happened. I knew they would have caused problems because of Behr being off the leash and being on their property. They wouldn't have involved the police, but it would have been bad.

So that's what I did. Cleaned it and put it back in tbe cage.

Sunday night the husband/father calls me and said "are you going to tell me what's wrong with you"? I asked what he meant. He's said... "the rabbit died Thursday night and the kids buried it the corner of tbe yard. We left you a note on top of the food bin next to the door".

Martha Fawker.
I don't remember how long it's been since I told my Favorite story about me and Behr. Been a few years though.

My neighbors were going to the Keys for the weekend and had one of those little white Easter rabbits that lived in a cage in their pool enclosure and asked me to feed it while they were gone. Sure. This was on Wednesday they asked and were leaving Friday morning.

Friday late morning I'm out on the lanai and I see Behr coming across the yard with the rabbit in his mouth. It's limp. Dead.

I freak out. I call him and he stops but won't come, so I walk to him. He's dropped the rabbit and looking at me like he knows he shouldn't have that in his mouth.

Anyway, the rabbits dead but not bloody or anything just wet from being in Behr's mouth. So I go to two different pet stores to see if I could get a replacement and neither had one the same size.

I get back home and decide to clean the rabbits fur real good just put it back in tbe cage like nothing had happened. I knew they would have caused problems because of Behr being off the leash and being on their property. They wouldn't have involved the police, but it would have been bad.

So that's what I did. Cleaned it and put it back in tbe cage.

Sunday night the husband/father calls me and said "are you going to tell me what's wrong with you"? I asked what he meant. He's said... "the rabbit died Thursday night and the kids buried it the corner of tbe yard. We left you a note on top of the food bin next to the door".

Martha Fawker.

I’ve only been on here for a couple of years, how long has he been gone?
I don't remember how long it's been since I told my Favorite story about me and Behr. Been a few years though.

My neighbors were going to the Keys for the weekend and had one of those little white Easter rabbits that lived in a cage in their pool enclosure and asked me to feed it while they were gone. Sure. This was on Wednesday they asked and were leaving Friday morning.

Friday late morning I'm out on the lanai and I see Behr coming across the yard with the rabbit in his mouth. It's limp. Dead.

I freak out. I call him and he stops but won't come, so I walk to him. He's dropped the rabbit and looking at me like he knows he shouldn't have that in his mouth.

Anyway, the rabbits dead but not bloody or anything just wet from being in Behr's mouth. So I go to two different pet stores to see if I could get a replacement and neither had one the same size.

I get back home and decide to clean the rabbits fur real good just put it back in tbe cage like nothing had happened. I knew they would have caused problems because of Behr being off the leash and being on their property. They wouldn't have involved the police, but it would have been bad.

So that's what I did. Cleaned it and put it back in tbe cage.

Sunday night the husband/father calls me and said "are you going to tell me what's wrong with you"? I asked what he meant. He's said... "the rabbit died Thursday night and the kids buried it the corner of tbe yard. We left you a note on top of the food bin next to the door".

Martha Fawker.
Horry Chit!
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My uncle (RIP) used to make homemade Russian Olive wine. Definitely an acquired taste. However...after the first glass, you didn't give a chit about the taste. Lol
Well, now, I do recall asking earnest questions about cooking, only to be ignored by you. Sound familiar?

I was hoping you could tell me why Bologna puts pistachios in mortadella. I like to bust Mikey's nads about them being in cannoli to spark conversation about it.

Pistachio trees are native to the middle east specifically Iran and were considered Royal and their fruit/seeds could only be consumed by royalty . During the 7-10 hundreds, I forget exactly, but a long time ago the Arabs captured and took over Sicily.

During the Sicilian carnivale, the concubines of the royal Arabs made these pasteries with almonds and fruits in the shape of their royal masters penis as a symbol of fertility.

Later the pistachio became available and plentiful and the Sicilians used pistachios, chocolate pieces and fruit mixed in Mascarpone cheese. Because ricotta was cheaper and could be successfully sweetened to be similar to Mascarpone it became more common.

The big question now is which do you prefer, ricotta made with Sheeps milk or cow milk. Do you know which the Sicilians prefer? Or do you prefer Mascarpone?

Now, to your question. Why does Bolonga Italy put pistachios in the mortadella?

Why is eel cooked?
I don't know why Bolognese put pistachios in Mortadella. I did ask that question. Did not think you were expecting an answer when you flipped my question back to me.

The Japanese cook the eel because it's so damn tasty that way.
I don't know why Bolognese put pistachios in Mortadella. I did ask that question. Did not think you were expecting an answer when you flipped my question back to me.

The Japanese cook the eel because it's so damn tasty that way.
Why does everyone else cook it?
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I like all cheeses, goat being least favorite. I guess my all around favorites is gorganzola, a really good bleu cheese or parmigiana reggiano. You can do almost anything with those and the flavors are just so strong.
I like it but it's not a Favorite. The blood is toxic and if it's not cooked thoroughly its kinda like the puffer fish, it can put you in a coma or even kill you if you eat enough of it. They actually say not to eat much of it period.
No eel sushi = check
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I like all cheeses, goat being least favorite. I guess my all around favorites is gorganzola, a really good bleu cheese or parmigiana reggiano. You can do almost anything with those and the flavors are just so strong.

I like Parmigiana reggiano and pecorino for pasta dishes.
Manchego, Drunken Goat and Epoisses to chow on.

I don’t dislike Bleu, but I can do without it.
I like Parmigiana reggiano and pecorino for pasta dishes.
Manchego, Drunken Goat and Epoisses to chow on.

I don’t dislike Bleu, but I can do without it.

Stuff a filet Mignon or some type of sirloin with some crumbles.

Or, marinate a portabello or 4 in some Italian dressing with some added garlic. Then grill it til it'd done. Add a thick slice of tomato, about the same thickness of the mushroom, then top it off with a couple of tablespoons / 1/4 cup of crumbles and stick it in the oven or grill to melt the cheese until it's golden on top. Boon!
@Behr, do you read fiction for fun? There’s a series of police detective novels set in Sicily written by Italian actor/director/ playwright Andrea Camilleri featuring Commissario (Commissioner) Montalbano, 40-some-odd books so far. Lots of sardonic social and political commentary accompany (and flesh out) the plots.

Montalbano is a lover of food and great cooking, eating two huge meals daily at his favorite small restaurant, either of which would put me in a brief coma. I learned about arancini and pasta ‘ncasciata and every fish and shellfish pulled from the Mediterranean from the books.

There was also a hugely popular TV series in Italy based on the books that is available on Amazon and obscure networks.

Anyway, if you like the idea of a police commissioner who puts murder investigations on hold in order to celebrate a meal of well-cooked Sicilian food, you might want to check them out.
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Stuff a filet Mignon or some type of sirloin with some crumbles.

Or, marinate a portabello or 4 in some Italian dressing with some added garlic. Then grill it til it'd done. Add a thick slice of tomato, about the same thickness of the mushroom, then top it off with a couple of tablespoons / 1/4 cup of crumbles and stick it in the oven or grill to melt the cheese until it's golden on top. Boon!

I have had good filets with Bleu. I tried to stealthily move it to the side of the plate so my friends who prepared it would not be offended.
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Stuff a filet Mignon or some type of sirloin with some crumbles.

Or, marinate a portabello or 4 in some Italian dressing with some added garlic. Then grill it til it'd done. Add a thick slice of tomato, about the same thickness of the mushroom, then top it off with a couple of tablespoons / 1/4 cup of crumbles and stick it in the oven or grill to melt the cheese until it's golden on top. Boon!
My experience with bleu cheese in restaurants is that there tends to be too much applied to any given dish, a very American failing.

Instead of being a part of the dish, it really dominates things. I ask for it on the side, as for me, a little goes an awfully long way.

Apropos of nothing at all, I like cooking with fontina. It doesn’t seem to climb up on the table and yell at me the way that many other cheeses do.

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