Culinary, Arts, Thread.

I did like the paragraph in Joy of Cooking that veal used to be called “city chicken” in the days before refrigeration, when you could keep veal fresh much longer than chicken.

I’ve cooked veal, and you have to be on your toes to keep it from toughening up.

I’ve cooked it also, let it get away from me. Prefer someone else do it for me, probably some to what NorCal alluded to. I still love it though.
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You guys are putting too much pressure on yourselves with cooking veal. It's kinda hard to screw up unless you just forget about it. You can't really undercook it, and even if you cook it a little too long it's still tender. It seems like a waste to make Wiener schnitzel, but hey, Bon apetit.
You guys are putting too much pressure on yourselves with cooking veal. It's kinda hard to screw up unless you just forget about it. You can't really undercook it, and even if you cook it a little too long it's still tender. It seems like a waste to make Wiener schnitzel, but hey, Bon apetit.

Nothing changes how much I love it and will not bat an eye ordering it off a menu.
Why did you stop eating chicken?

It’s not a texture thing here. Can’t really answer that makes sense. Chicken doesn’t seem to have the same flavor as when I grew up. It just seems you have to add to give it flavor now. As I get older, I’m turning more into a vegetarian, except beef for now, yea, it’s weird.
veal parm - a fav
Veal is OK in my book. I like pate and have had excellent goose liver pate that wasn't fois gras. Frog legs brined in buttermilk and fried like chicken is a favorite of mine. I do eat more vegitarian meals, but still enjoy the flesh of beasts. I prefer pork schnitzel. I'm hankering for aquatic species. Gonna have to go wild on it somewhere, soon.
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Behr should work for the Food Network. They have an office here in Knoxville.
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