the Big Bang is, statistically, the result of an inevitable improbability that exists solely due to the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, and is relevant throughout the block universe. We may picture it mathematically as such:
1. The Big Bang has entropy S.
2. A hypothetical god is either orderly or chaotic.
1. Hypothetical gods have a personhood.
2. Personhood implies orderliness.
3. A hypothetical god is orderly, and thus has low entropy. (See note1 for more detail.)
3. In order for god to directly cause the Big Bang, he must have a lower entropy (S-a, where a is positive, real number).
4. The probability of the Big Bang coming from a higher state of entropy (S+b, where b is a positive, real number) approaches P=1, normalizing over the condition of many opportunities for the Big Bang to happen.
5. The probability of the Big Bang coming from an even lower state of entropy (god) approaches Q=0 (since Q=1-P).
6. The difference in probability is thus the limit of 1 divided by the limit of 0, which of course approaches infinity.
7. There is an infinitely greater chance that the Big Bang is the result of randomness than the result of even more order.
8. Thus, god does not exist.