Your points about Rush's history, about which I could not care any less, make my point perfectly. He's a particularly bright, if absurd at times, individual and has no diplomas to show for it.
Sheepskins, or lack thereof, have nothing to do with someone's ability to reason. They simply mean, for those who have them, that they were accepted into a program and completed said program.
I don't think Savage is retarded, but he certainly goes to extremes and it's purely about listeners. He's not trying to be rational, so any diplomas he might have are absolutely useless in assessing the trash he puts out on the air.
I guess the easy route is to say that debating me is a waste of time because I can't appreciate your ideas. I promise you that when it is half baked drivel from a radio talking head, you're exactly correct. Bring something a bit more substantive to the fore and we can reasonably debate it.