Death penalty

I totally am agreeing with you lately :)

But I also see girlie' point of castration. I bet if everybody thought they would lose everything down there, they'd never do those horrible things.

I would agree with one stipulation. Only men who are serial rapists or those rapists that commit rape again should be castrated. There are just way too many cases of women who change their minds during sex or who just have a desire to get back at a one night stand who never called her again to castrate every man convicted of rape.
Tell that to the innocent people that have been taken by the death penalty.

It has happened and that is why I think we should be ever vigilant. On a side note blood will be on the hands of the prosecutor or detective who tried to make the case "stick" despite the evidence or lack thereof.
But I also see girlie' point of castration. I bet if everybody thought they would lose everything down there, they'd never do those horrible things.

I don't know...some people are just so sick that I think they would do it anyway.

And yes...sometimes the death penalty is an easy out for convicted murderers. I think they should be made to suffer as well.
you have a lot more faith in the justice system than most.

i understand your point about the innocent and i know that does happen from time to time and that's sad. but the pathetic scum that did do it and are convicted i believe they should get the worst punishment available.
Public executions would probably have no effect on people like these. They are driven by an impulsive and or very deep rooted urge to act on their fantasies. They are truly disturbed people.

It surely wouldn't hurt. If they could watch the consequenses of their actions unfold live, I am sure SOME of the sickos may reconsider.
I would agree with one stipulation. Only men who are serial rapists or those rapists that commit rape again should be castrated. There are just way too many cases of women who change their minds during sex or who just have a desire to get back at a one night stand who never called her again to castrate every man convicted of rape.

It surely wouldn't hurt. If they could watch the consequenses of their actions unfold live, I am sure SOME of the sickos may reconsider.

I agree it may make some reconsider but the public perception would be terrible and it would likely spurn legislation to do away with the death penalty in the end.
As outraged as I may be at individual crimes and as much as I may think a person "deserves" to die for it, I have simply come to the conclusion that there are too many problems with it and that it is too expensive and that, weighed against those things, it just doesn't work.

There are two types of deterrence, specific deterrence (meaning that the offender does not repeat) and general deterrence (meaning that you persuade others not to commit crimes).

Specific deterrence is attainable with a life sentence without possibility or parole. It is done all the time and people do not get out and spend their lives in prison. We don't have to execute murderers to obtain specific deterrence.

I don't think that the deathg penalty does much for general deterrence. People who commit these crimes in the heat of the moment or because of some sick urge are not going to stop and think, "Hey wait, I might get the death penalty." Those that plan murders for money or revenge or what have you, plan on getting away with it and so they are not disuaded by the relatively remote possibility of capital punishment.

You have to weigh the small benefit we get from it as a society (that is, the few times it deters) versus what it costs to do it and the problems it has caused. I just don't think its worth it.
LG you would probably know better than I so I'll ask, what is the difference in cost to execute as opposed to incarcerate for life?
exodus 21:23-21:27

If any harm follows, then you shall give life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, stripe for stripe.
I know it refers to people in a fight, but I think it can be applied to crime as well. You rob someone, you should be robbed and your possessions given to your victim(s), you kill, you should be killed in the same manner. Brutally assault someone, you get the exact same punishment. And as for the death penalty costing too much, the cost is for the extremely long time spent on death row. Give them one year to get their legal matters done and appeals going. If nothing can be brought that can render a change in the verdict or a completely new trial, you get the needle. Personally I think it should be more painful, but hey we are supposed to be a civilized society right?

And yes I know there will be innocent people put to death. But if the sentence was actually carried out regularly, I am guessing people would be less likely to commit heinous crimes.
You really think you will get an unbiased answer on that one?

You never know until you ask. I would think it would cost more to incarcerate for the duration of life than it would to execute but I am not sure.
You never know until you ask. I would think it would cost more to incarcerate for the duration of life than it would to execute but I am not sure.

Your opinion makes more sense. But the anti-death penalty people I am sure work very hard to put out studies showing how you are incorrect.
If I go find the answer, those that want to will believe it, those that don't won't.

Let me remind you, however, that the cost of executing someone is more than the task of doing so -- its the expense of the appeals over ten years or so, etc., where the big money gets spent.
If I go find the answer, those that want to will believe it, those that don't won't.

Let me remind you, however, that the cost of executing someone is more than the task of doing so -- its the expense of the appeals over ten years or so, etc., where the big money gets spent.

I knew the appeals would be a large expense and I remember hearing a while back how expensive it was and I was surprised. I still wonder about the breakdown between the two. Why does the appeals process cost tax payers so much money LG?

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