Death penalty

I'm just posting to what I've read on here. There's been mention that capital punishment is murder according to the sixth commandment and judges and lawyers will have blood on their hands.

Abortion is the same thing....... MURDER. There will also be blood on the hands of those involved with this as well. Mom's, dad's, doctor's, lawyer's, and politician's.

they are both judgment calls to be made by the individual not set facts.
Would you care to explain?

I don't view either as murder. I do have personal exceptions (like partial birth or execution of kids/metally disabled) but it's not always as black/white to every person as you describe.
I don't view either as murder. I do have personal exceptions (like partial birth or execution of kids/metally disabled) but it's not always as black/white to every person as you describe.

Thanks for explaining. I respect you for your views and beliefs.
I don't view either as murder. I do have personal exceptions (like partial birth or execution of kids/metally disabled) but it's not always as black/white to every person as you describe.

You don't view abortion as murder?
But perhaps I would feel better if they actually worked full days everyday doing something that would benefit society. Like picking up trash. Or painting public buildings. Or cleaning up the roads. Or processing documents. Or whatever the hell needs to be done.

Heck yea! Nothing screams justice for killing a relative of mine like a litter free highway!
Who is the judge of justice? Certainly not you nor I.

I think if one of my relatives was murdered I'd more than have a right to an opinion on the matter. Picking up trash is not justice. I have as much right to judge the situation as anyone else.
In most cases I don't see it as murder.

That doesn't mean I don't hate the practice but it's not my place to put limitations on those who want it done.

Exactly...I don't totally agree with it but it has been legal for way too long to be illegal now. If it were to ever be made illegal, then there would be many, many women doing it unsafely.
Exactly...I don't totally agree with it but it has been legal for way too long to be illegal now. If it were to ever be made illegal, then there would be many, many women doing it unsafely.

Dang...unsafe you say? I hate those unsafe murders.
Dang...unsafe you say? I hate those unsafe murders.

If its legal, Dr.'s are performing. If it's not, then who knows who may be performing them. It has been legal too long now. That's my point. I never said I totally agreed with it. I am pretty sure its legal nationwide now. I could be wrong.
If its legal, Dr.'s are performing. If it's not, then who knows who may be performing them. It has been legal too long now. That's my point. I never said I totally agreed with it. I am pretty sure its legal nationwide now. I could be wrong.

Great rationale there. Nothing like not doing the right thing because the wrong thing has been the practice for so long, concerning any subject. The pro-slavery moveement could have used you.
Great rationale there. Nothing like not doing the right thing because the wrong thing has been the practice for so long, concerning any subject. The pro-slavery moveement could have used you.

Point is, people are going to do it now whether you or I think they should or not. How could anyone stop a woman from getting an abortion just because it was not legal? Women can give themselves abortions if it comes to that. The difference right now is if a woman choses to go that route she has options. Again, I never said it was right or a moral decision.
I would not mind seeing the punishment be in the same manner in which they killed their victim.
Point is, people are going to do it now whether you or I think they should or not. How could anyone stop a woman from getting an abortion just because it was not legal? Women can give themselves abortions if it comes to that. The difference right now is if a woman choses to go that route she has options. Again, I never said it was right or a moral decision.

So this is the new point? Well then, we may as well go ahead and wipe all laws off the books then.
So this is the new point? Well then, we may as well go ahead and wipe all laws off the books then.

Not real sure where you were going with that....Just because it's legal doesn't make it right. At least it's safe now vs when it was illegal and women were using clothes hangers and having it done with unsterileized equipment. You can say all you want. My point is valid. I really don't care if you get it or not.
Exactly...I don't totally agree with it but it has been legal for way too long to be illegal now. If it were to ever be made illegal, then there would be many, many women doing it unsafely.

Don't forget what got them pregnant, unsafe sex. Any one can make a mistake but there are many women out there that use abortion like birth control. All the while we as taxpayers are funding it. I have started to change my view on the abortion debate. I realize it is not my place to tell a woman what to do with her body but it doesn't mean I have to like the practice. I do reserve the right to blast those women who continue to have unsafe sex and getting abortions since I am in part paying for it. It is not right to use up resources just because they can't keep their legs closed.

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