Debate thread

I pity the poor woman, yet admire her all at once. Pity, because she sees him daily, so has to know of his decline in mental acuity.
Admire her because she stands by her man, unlike Marjorie Greene who went outside her marriage, opened the gate to her oil field to allow unlicensed drilling.
Jill went outside her first marriage to get with Joe.
There is neither common sense or scientific fact in what you posit or even, in fact, in that study you post if corrected for context.

At it's simplest definition getting fat is consuming more calories than utilized over time. It matters not one bit what your diet consists of if you're in a consistent calorie surplus. There are shredded people out there on a carnivore diet that eat nothing BUT meat. Keto is similar though not quite as extreme and is great for weight loss. (I know that from personal experience)

If look at what you posted it was correlative, not causative regarding meat.

"They found that study participants who consumed high amounts of meat had higher energy intake compared to those who consumed less meat, and were 33 percent more likely to have central obesity."

So what the're saying is basically dietary habits of some people eating meat correlate with overeating. For instance what's the difference between someone that eats a grilled chicken breast with a side of veggies, baked sweet potato and diet soda vs that same chicken breast breaded and fried, french fries and mac/cheese chased down with sweet tea? Hint, the meat component is identical.

And FTR that latter meal sounds yummy...just don't do it on the reg and expect not to gain weight unless you're a calorie burning machine.
At least one person (you) got it right. I did originally say it is our diet that leads to obesity. As for meat, the Murican problem is, we often don't eat it the right way. We MacDonald, Wendy, etc it with grease, big bread, soda, grease infused potato and get fat. I distractors just wanted to jump on one thing while ignoring the initial post.
At least one person (you) got it right. I did originally say it is our diet that leads to obesity. As for meat, the Murican problem is, we often don't eat it the right way. We MacDonald, Wendy, etc it with grease, big bread, soda, grease infused potato and get fat. I distractors just wanted to jump on one thing while ignoring the initial post.

The initial post put meat in the same category as sugar.
I'm saying that someone is making the decisions - regardless.
It's not a complete unknown - Bannon, Star, Manafort........associations give us some insight - trump's suck - hugely
But all those people could be running the show now.... you don't know. They could be worse and probably are worse than those guys.... they are doing things that are going on right now that you don't know.

What you are saying is X > Y but in reality (could) X = Y.

Why even vote? Basically, you are saying I don't who I am voting for... but hey I like that guy. 😂
I just don't see this as being as significant as you obviously do.

We never really know who and what are behind the decisions being made.
I trust Biden and the unknown far more than I do Trump and the unknown.
I would be more comfortable with Trump if I knew he had zero input.
“We don’t know who is behind the decisions” how do we hold the DNC accountable for said decisions if we don’t know who is making these decisions? Nobody understands this logic but you btw..
I would say the people voting for Trump do have a problem with it which is why he is a thing, I disagree with your assessment (Evil Genius v Weekend at Bernies) which was in your post that I responded to. I agree with your statement above, which is evident in real-time.... they'll vote for a Potato. The candidate is meaningless. The only reason why the media is talking about the Potato is they got orders to follow i.e. bad polls.

Trump is basically it. If one votes for anyone else, its unknown who is running things... it may very well be Trump, we don't know.

At the end of the day, they'll never provide a real candidate, its about providing a candidate they can control in part.

(I don't vote, and I am not saying anyone should vote for Trump... but realistic any other vote doesn't make sense because we don't know)

Right now, at least for a few days or weeks.... they have to come up with a way of taking either Trump or Biden out of the race.
I agree. I will not vote for either of these candidates. It is all tribal at this point and a game of who can win. Trump can discuss the issues except the border and immigration. Biden cant sell what he is pushing. Border can be fixed easily but neither want a solution and would rather keep it as an issue...same with abortion and others...bottom line you are never going to please everybody...Trump is running a hell of a campign
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Adultery. You are unaware?
I'm unaware. Just looked it up, first hubby accused her of cheating. True or false? I don't know, but I also don't doubt it. Because, society and the media auto brand men as the cheaters, when all too often the women are just as bad or worst.
I'm unaware. Just looked it up, first hubby accused her of cheating. True or false? I don't know, but I also don't doubt it. Because, society and the media auto brand men as the cheaters, when all too often the women are just as bad or worst.
So is Jill now the same as Mtg or has Mtg suddenly risen to the level of St Jill?

For the record, Jill is a piece of trash to pushed her clearly diminished husband out in front of the whole world. Even mtg hasn't done anything that despicable
I'm unaware. Just looked it up, first hubby accused her of cheating. True or false? I don't know, but I also don't doubt it. Because, society and the media auto brand men as the cheaters, when all too often the women are just as bad or worst.
Are you gonna condemn that floozy?
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So is Jill now the same as Mtg or has Mtg suddenly risen to the level of St Jill?

For the record, Jill is a piece of trash to pushed her clearly diminished husband out in front of the whole world. Even mtg hasn't done anything that despicable
OK, you win your whataboutism point. Congratulations!
So is Jill now the same as Mtg or has Mtg suddenly risen to the level of St Jill?

For the record, Jill is a piece of trash to pushed her clearly diminished husband out in front of the whole world. Even mtg hasn't done anything that despicable
So Jill is behind Joe staying in the race? How do you figure?
Are you gonna condemn that floozy?
If you saw my response to utvolj, you know I already did. Despite all the fingers pointed at men as cheaters, women are just as bad if not worse. Did you by chance hook up with MTG? Lauren Boebert? Or perhaps even AOC? You know you want to.
So Jill is behind Joe staying in the race? How do you figure?
Her quotes show she is not being publicly honest about his condition. She needs to be a caring spouse and get him out.

Interesting that a guy who couldn't legally sign financial papers is still being pushed to be potus. What a completely broken system
Her quotes show she is not being publicly honest about his condition. She needs to be a caring spouse and get him out.

Interesting that a guy who couldn't legally sign financial papers is still being pushed to be potus. What a completely broken system

Jill is a monster

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