Delta Variant

I am not a doctor nor did I sleep at a holiday.

I was told this by a male nurse who works in the ICU.

No idea if true.

Something is up though because if the vaccine is so bullet proof then why would vaccinated people give a F if an unvaccinated person was near them and not wearing a mask.

When you consider the data from Europe and Israel (and now early reports trickling out here), it is looking very likely that the Delta mutation in the spike protein is, in fact, at least partially escaping mRNA vaccine-induced immunity. I don't think it can specifically target immunized people, but we will likely see more of them actually ill in the days and weeks ahead.
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Funny: I have only recently become partially able to smell pleasant things (perfume, grill smoke, wine, etc). Can't smell anything stinky at all.

That was me for a long time, months. Couldn’t smell bad things. It finally came back, mostly.
When you consider the data from Europe and Israel (and now early reports trickling out here), it is looking very likely that the Delta mutation in the spike protein is, in fact, at least partially escaping mRNA vaccine-induced immunity. I don't think it can specifically target immunized people, but we will likely see more of them actually ill in the days and weeks ahead.
What is your thought on antivirals? I’ve been tested and waiting results. Started showing symptoms late yesterday. Feel like utter crap, with fever stuck just under 102 even after 800 mg of ibuprofen.

I’m not real keen on the idea of just waiting around. Any proactive approach you can recommend?
So the vaccinated need to wear masks. Somebody make this make sense.

Vaccinated doesn’t mean 100% protection.
At best protection is 94% and decreases over time.
Information out of Israel suggests that fully vaccinated people still Cary and transmit Covid even if they don’t get an infection.

Basically they don’t know what to do as things are changing from day to day so what you’re seeing in that article is today’s best guess.
Vaccinated doesn’t mean 100% protection.
At best protection is 94% and decreases over time.
Information out of Israel suggests that fully vaccinated people still Cary and transmit Covid even if they don’t get an infection.

Basically they don’t know what to do as things are changing from day to day so what you’re seeing in that article is today’s best guess.

We are all living in an experiment at this point.
When you consider the data from Europe and Israel (and now early reports trickling out here), it is looking very likely that the Delta mutation in the spike protein is, in fact, at least partially escaping mRNA vaccine-induced immunity. I don't think it can specifically target immunized people, but we will likely see more of them actually ill in the days and weeks ahead.
In Israel they are finding a reinfection or infection rate to be the same among those who had Covid and were not vaccinated…..had Covid and were then vaccinated…..and vaccinated.
Vaccinated doesn’t mean 100% protection.
At best protection is 94% and decreases over time.
Information out of Israel suggests that fully vaccinated people still Cary and transmit Covid even if they don’t get an infection.

Basically they don’t know what to do as things are changing from day to day so what you’re seeing in that article is today’s best guess.

See this doesn’t make sense. It seems like the only reason to get vaccinated is to possibly minimize the effects of getting COVID.

A vaccine is a substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against one or several diseases. So does the COVID vaccine fit the definition?
See this doesn’t make sense. It seems like the only reason to get vaccinated is to possibly minimize the effects of getting COVID.

A vaccine is a substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against one or several diseases. So does the COVID vaccine fit the definition?
It appears to significantly reduce the effects of Covid.
Even in Israel where they are considering a booster for the elderly the vaccine is preventing hospitalization at 88% and preventing symptoms at 50% for those who were the first to get the vaccine.
Vaccinated doesn’t mean 100% protection.
At best protection is 94% and decreases over time.
Information out of Israel suggests that fully vaccinated people still Cary and transmit Covid even if they don’t get an infection.

Basically they don’t know what to do as things are changing from day to day so what you’re seeing in that article is today’s best guess.
C'mon man. Level with me. I understand you had your reasons for taking the shot and I get it. But you're no dummy. The reason why they are all over the place isn't because the data or the science is changing that quickly. its because other things are at play. Its OK, you don't have to say it because it might make you look like you are riding the crazy train with people like me... that's fine.
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It appears you’re taking a risk no matter what you do.
I have no idea what the right answer is.
2 things:
1. I've said this before, but if I go unvaxxed, I'm only dealing with the unknown of possibly catching COVID. If I get the vax, I'm dealing with the unknown of COVID and the unknown of the jab. So why not just remove as much risk as possible?
2. Something that I saw brought up today and I don't know why I didn't think of it, but if they want to see people gain a bit more confidence in this jab, then the pharmaceutical legal protections need to be removed. I mean, the jab is safe, right? So if a rare incident should occur after I've received one of these "mandated" jabs, then they should be held liable. That seems fair, right? Now, it may or may not increase the number of vaccinations, but it will at least show that the pharma companies have some skin in the game. They are putting their money on the line and the people are putting their lives on the line.
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C'mon man. Level with me. I understand you had your reasons for taking the shot and I get it. But you're no dummy. The reason why they are all over the place isn't because the data or the science is changing that quickly. its because other things are at play. Its OK, you don't have to say it because it might make you look like you are riding the crazy train with people like me... that's fine.
I’m not sure what you want me to say here.
I’m watching the numbers just like everyone else.
There have been things that surprise me.

For example early on it appears that a significant amount of the people who had breakthrough infection after being vaccinated were on airplanes within 2 weeks of getting Covid. at one point it was close to 100% of them. Nobody saw that coming
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When you consider the data from Europe and Israel (and now early reports trickling out here), it is looking very likely that the Delta mutation in the spike protein is, in fact, at least partially escaping mRNA vaccine-induced immunity. I don't think it can specifically target immunized people, but we will likely see more of them actually ill in the days and weeks ahead.

To me, it’s very plausible that the “gain of function” pursuit by the Chinese is sinister in nature and this is a synthetic version of coronavirus developed to “learn” how to mutate in order to be resistant to vaccine…as I wear my tinfoil hat.
2 things:
1. I've said this before, but if I go unvaxxed, I'm only dealing with the unknown of possibly catching COVID. If I get the vax, I'm dealing with the unknown of COVID and the unknown of the jab. So why not just remove as much risk as possible?
2. Something that I saw brought up today and I don't know why I didn't think of it, but if they want to see people gain a bit more confidence in this jab, then the pharmaceutical legal protections need to be removed. I mean, the jab is safe, right? So if a rare incident should occur after I've received one of these "mandated" jabs, then they should be held liable. That seems fair, right? Now, it may or may not increase the number of vaccinations, but it will at least show that the pharma companies have some skin in the game. They are putting their money on the line and the people are putting their lives on the line.
There’s some algebra that needs to be done by each person to determine what’s right for them. To me the reduction of overall risk with the vaccine outweighs the risk of side effects.
2. Those protections given to the pharmaceutical companies extend to my company. I too cannot be sued if someone catches Covid from me or an employee of mine.
To me, it’s very plausible that the “gain of function” pursuit by the Chinese is sinister in nature and this is a synthetic version of coronavirus developed to “learn” how to mutate in order to be resistant to vaccine…as I wear my tinfoil hat.

Perhaps the Chinese are already at war and rest of the world is too stupid to realize it.
Perhaps the Chinese are already at war and rest of the world is too stupid to realize it.

Bingo...Where is the outrage and investigation? Nuttin.

How about a comprehensive investigation that has been more of a threat to face our nation and frankly the world since WW2? effin crickets.
In Israel they are finding a reinfection or infection rate to be the same among those who had Covid and were not vaccinated…..had Covid and were then vaccinated…..and vaccinated.
I've not seen that. Only that "reinfection" was exceedingly rare. Care to share your source? I'd like to research that.
Perhaps the Chinese are already at war and rest of the world is too stupid to realize it.
I'm far, far from a tinfoil hat guy. But, for the life of me, I can't figure out how a country of 1.5 billion that lives packed like sardines has been comparatively unaffected by a virus that originated and spread from their own damn lab.

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