Delta Variant

Does anybody know how they are testing the positive cases for identifying the delta variant?

Simple google searches brings nothing.
Sorry, but the lockdown fear mongering is just stupid. Is it possible some capacity restrictions and mask mandates could return if cases continue to rise? Sure, I could see that happening in some localities. Full on lockdowns, though? Highly, highly doubtful.

As for your point about midterms, the Democrats already are cruising for a bruising in 22 with the rise in crime and border problems. Being the party that brings back virus restrictions after people have gotten used to basically living normal life again doesn't benefit them.
Yeah and a rise in crime and border problems doesn't benefit them either, but they're incentivising those things...
I can also still get hurt in a car accident while wearing a seatbelt, but the chances of getting hurt go up significantly when I don’t
Agreed, I wear one whenever I ride on a public road.

I just dont go about getting in peoples faces about what they choose to do outside of my car or think I am better than those who choose not to. Or resort to any of the other "othering" that is going on.
Agreed, I wear one whenever I ride on a public road.

I just dont go about getting in peoples faces about what they choose to do outside of my car or think I am better than those who choose not to. Or resort to any of the other "othering" that is going on.

yeah but the difference is car accidents are not contagious, COVID is
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Most accidents involve more than one person.....

And I dont build an immunity to getting hit by an SUV.

Natural immunity from having had Covid is a totally different subject and you’ll get no argument from me there. It’s more effective than getting the vaccine if you’ve never had Covid
As an aside, does anyone know if there is a listing agency where I can hire a couple of these people? I need some painting done and a good housekeeper.
Does anybody know how they are testing the positive cases for identifying the delta variant?

Simple google searches brings nothing.
I discussed with our local hospital yesterday. The state actually reviews cases and informs the hospital if they want any specimens for genotyping. Those would then go to the state reference lab. Turnaround is at least a week.
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Did you get your result? Why the delay?

I don't know your medical history or risk factors, so I can't really recommend for or against any particular treatments. Monoclonal antibody has been quite effective at preventing serious illness if you meet criteria. Antivirals are generally reserved for moderate to severe hospitalized patients and have not been terribly effective.
Did you get your result? Why the delay?

I don't know your medical history or risk factors, so I can't really recommend for or against any particular treatments. Monoclonal antibody has been quite effective at preventing serious illness if you meet criteria. Antivirals are generally reserved for moderate to severe hospitalized patients and have not been terribly effective.
Still waiting. Probably should have gone to Summit.
East TN med group has to send them off.
50 years old and no health issues.
I discussed with our local hospital yesterday. The state actually reviews cases and informs the hospital if they want any specimens for genotyping. Those would then go to the state reference lab. Turnaround is at least a week.

Looks like someone could be cherry picking which ones to test.
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Gosh, I thought everyone had rapid tests now. How are feeling today?
Yes, angry with them. Said they’d send me email to check test status and yet to receive email. My friend who I was with Saturday started showing symptoms, went to summit yesterday and was positive.

Fever still there and now moving to head congestion.

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