Democrats are starting to panic

Good for you. But I doubt if anyone who is living in the nightmare that the liberals defund the police movement has created is laughing with you right now.
Most people believe in defunding the police in some fashion
I think most people are in favor of better training, better laws, and some restriction of police power/demilitarization, none of which are specifically accomplished by the broad-scope word "defunding".
Restrictions of power and gear would be funding. Actually doing police work to solve crimes instead of hiding in the bushes at a stop sign would use less funds. Finding alternatives to using police for every single call would be funding
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Remember the anti-war Republicans the past few years? Parts of the GOP went from kick ass Neocons to straight Libertarian when it came to places like Afghanistan and Syria.
GWB, in one of his debates with Al Gore in 2000, mentioned that his foreign policy would not involve "nation building"...
Link to most people believing that, or are you assigning reasons based on your own personal bias?

I guess that blade cuts both ways, huh?
Funny how those who don’t even understand what’s actually going on and experienced it are the ones most vocal about “everyone” sharing their opinion lol
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can be applied to almost any politician's stance

Link to them admitting it was a disaster? You're assigning reasons based on your own personal belief or bias. Simple answer is they changed and the right is getting upset they can't hold it over heads anymore
Pelosi's statement is misleading at best and patently false at worst. It was the defacto policy of at least some portion of the Democrat party. The rest played nice and laid off criticism even though they thought it was bad policy save a select few.

It would be more accurate to say that is not Democrat policy any longer.

I wonder if there will be any backlash for their change of stance?
Remember the anti-war Republicans the past few years? Parts of the GOP went from kick ass Neocons to straight Libertarian when it came to places like Afghanistan and Syria.

I do honestly think some politicians actually learned from the disaster that was the aftermath of Iraq and saw the writing on the wall in Afghanistan.
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If you believe they are simply pandering then there's only one answer. I don't think we know which is why I find the accusations laughable

You can get almost anything down with a good economy , people just don’t care as long as you don’t directly monkey with their paychecks . When your economy is tanking and you have an aggressive agenda, pandering is your only option before being voted out .
can be applied to almost any politician's stance

Link to them admitting it was a disaster? You're assigning reasons based on your own personal belief or bias. Simple answer is they changed and the right is getting upset they can't hold it over heads anymore

I don't think that's it. The deed is already done. Crime is at all time highs in many places. You can't undo it for this election in my opinion. Just like you can just let in over two million people then say you know what, we believe in secure borders. They will have to be accountable. I know the electorate has a short memory but look at the number of issues mounting under this congress and administration. They are getting the lowest positive reviews ever recorded.

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