Democrats are starting to panic

No matter which way you spin it, I don't think cops are in jeopardy of having their jobs eliminated. More open positions than applicants right now. Which is a very bad thing, because you are scraping the bottom of the barrel. That's what happens when dumbass propaganda like ACAB and Defund the Police take over a nation.
The conundrum that people find themselves is that the police have become tyrants in a lot of cases and don't follow the law, or they are just ignorant of the law. Until the police learn to control their tempers and quit treating people like terrorists, the world is going to suck for both the police and citizens.
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The conundrum that people find themselves is that the police have become tyrants in a lot of cases and don't follow the law, or they are just ignorant of the law. Until the police learn to control their tempers and quit treating people like terrorists, the world is going to suck for both the police and citizens.

Too many bull sharks with guns, a fraternal 'look the other way' mentality and qualified immunity.
I wouldn't trust a cop to best a fourth grader in a civics test that touches on the Constitution or the Bill of Rights.
The conundrum that people find themselves is that the police have become tyrants in a lot of cases and don't follow the law, or they are just ignorant of the law. Until the police learn to control their tempers and quit treating people like terrorists, the world is going to suck for both the police and citizens.

I don't support tyrants of any sort. So we agree, but the % of cops acting like this is where we most likely disagree.
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I don't support tyrants of any sort. So we agree, but the % of cops acting like this is where we most likely disagree.

If you have one cop in a hundred that is a "bad apple" and the other 99 are paying union dues to defend the bad apple, they're all complicit.

Until they can root out the bad behavior from within, the bandaid is going to keep getting ripped off, taking the scab and the wound will never heal.
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I don't support tyrants of any sort. So we agree, but the % of cops acting like this is where we most likely disagree.
So what percent is acceptable to you? I recall having a discussion with some law enforcement type on here that said he only had something like 10 colleagues arrested in his 30 year career. I responded that none of my colleagues were ever arrested. It's a slippery slope, and even having .1% of your colleagues arrested is a bad look.
If you have one cop in a hundred that is a "bad apple" and the other 99 are paying union dues to defend the bad apple, they're all complicit.

Until they can root out the bad behavior from within, the bandaid is going to keep getting ripped off, taking the scab and the wound will never heal.

A lot of departments don't have unions. Why are police the only "1 bad apple equals all the rest are bad apples" profession? I wish we applied this same energy to judges, lawyers, doctors, teachers, etc. I honestly think it's an idiotic saying. If you work with a set group of people and all are doing their job correctly, how are you supposed to know, report, do anything to the guy working 3 zones over? Or the people on a different shift? Or the people in a different state? It's very dumb.
A lot of departments don't have unions. Why are police the only "1 bad apple equals all the rest are bad apples" profession? I wish we applied this same energy to judges, lawyers, doctors, teachers, etc. I honestly think it's an idiotic saying. If you work with a set group of people and all are doing their job correctly, how are you supposed to know, report, do anything to the guy working 3 zones over? Or the people on a different shift? Or the people in a different state? It's very dumb.
You don't get it do you?
So what percent is acceptable to you? I recall having a discussion with some law enforcement type on here that said he only had something like 10 colleagues arrested in his 30 year career. I responded that none of my colleagues were ever arrested. It's a slippery slope, and even having .1% of your colleagues arrested is a bad look.

I don't have the answer to the first part. Preferably 0, but this is the real world. We've definitely seen what the .1% can do when the media gets a hold of it. Very bad look, agreed. Some garbage tier humans are definitely cops. I just can't stand the all or nothing approach.
A lot of departments don't have unions. Why are police the only "1 bad apple equals all the rest are bad apples" profession? I wish we applied this same energy to judges, lawyers, doctors, teachers, etc. I honestly think it's an idiotic saying. If you work with a set group of people and all are doing their job correctly, how are you supposed to know, report, do anything to the guy working 3 zones over? Or the people on a different shift? Or the people in a different state? It's very dumb.

Whatabout all you want, but the "saying" get's applied to cops because its usually their defenders that always trot it out. Also, I tend to agree that all cops aren't "bad", but too many of them are silent and afraid to speak out against the minority. That kind of makes them complicit, no?
Too many bull sharks with guns, a fraternal 'look the other way' mentality and qualified immunity.
“A camera for every Cop”

That would be one of my campaign pledges.

Society should want Cops with body cams.
Cops should want Cops with body cams.

And they don’t turn off. Ever.

Hell if I was a Cop I would refuse to go out on patrol without one.
So you believe their stance to be wrong, they change the stance to closer to yours and then you accuse them of pandering?
You really think the Left believes they got it wrong?

Or is this about a disastrous episode in political phrasing?

How are you going to decide who to believe?
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No matter which way you spin it, I don't think cops are in jeopardy of having their jobs eliminated. More open positions than applicants right now. Which is a very bad thing, because you are scraping the bottom of the barrel. That's what happens when dumbass propaganda like ACAB and Defund the Police take over a nation.
Some people don’t realize the shortage of police, nurses and teachers. To think there are “too many” of any of those shows some ignorance
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Whatabout all you want, but the "saying" get's applied to cops because its usually their defenders that always trot it out. Also, I tend to agree that all cops aren't "bad", but too many of them are silent and afraid to speak out against the minority. That kind of makes them complicit, no?
A lot of decent people decide to pursue law enforcement as a career to make a positive impact in the community. Unfortunately, some of them turn into giant azzholes shortly after they join the police force. It is a perpetual problem with no real resolution in sight.
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You don't get it do you?

I guess not.

“A camera for every Cop”

That would be one of my campaign pledges.

Society should want Cops with body cams.
Cops should want Cops with body cams.

And they don’t turn off. Ever.

Hell if I was a Cop I would refuse to go out on patrol without one.

This was BLM's thing for a while. Then when the cams went against them, they started saying it was an invasion of privacy. 100% agree with you.

Whatabout all you want, but the "saying" get's applied to cops because its usually their defenders that always trot it out. Also, I tend to agree that all cops aren't "bad", but too many of them are silent and afraid to speak out against the minority. That kind of makes them complicit, no?

Sure, if they are indeed witnessing crimes and not speaking out, they are complicit. SugarVol's cams all the time is a good solution.
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You really think the Left believes they got it wrong?

Or is this about a disastrous episode in political phrasing?

How are you going to decide who to believe?
I personally don't care either way since all politics is pandering. I just find it odd that since get what they want yet still want to attack it.
A lot of decent people decide to pursue law enforcement as a career to make a positive impact in the community. Unfortunately, some of them turn into giant azzholes shortly after they join the police force. It is a perpetual problem with no real resolution in sight.

Makes me wonder if they were just giant azzholes in disguise before and the badge and gun allowed them to fully prolapse onto society.
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I guess not.

This was BLM's thing for a while. Then when the cams went against them, they started saying it was an invasion of privacy. 100% agree with you.

Sure, if they are indeed witnessing crimes and not speaking out, they are complicit. SugarVol's cams all the time is a good solution.

The cams bit is a good start, couple that with a national database of sh*thead cops and a zero tolerance for civil rights abuse and now we're cooking.

What good is a camera if transgressions are whitewashed and the offender just goes to a new department; this while Joe Q Public foots the bill for compensatory damages.
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I wouldn't trust a cop to best a fourth grader in a civics test that touches on the Constitution or the Bill of Rights.
Imagine if your opinion meant something 😂 instead of being simplistic and over generalizing everything like a high schooler
Never says all but I would guess a high percentage would struggle with basics. Even more with why those protections are needed
You guess a lot but as usual you don’t have a clue in real life on the subject. Try to get out and see the world more and experience outside your small bubble
If you have one cop in a hundred that is a "bad apple" and the other 99 are paying union dues to defend the bad apple, they're all complicit.

Until they can root out the bad behavior from within, the bandaid is going to keep getting ripped off, taking the scab and the wound will never heal.
Lol “union dues” your problem is you think every police department is like Chicago or NYPD and you think there’s some big conspiracy going on to violate civil rights
The cams bit is a good start, couple that with a national database of sh*thead cops and a zero tolerance for civil rights abuse and now we're cooking.

What good is a camera if transgressions are whitewashed and the offender just goes to a new department; this while Joe Q Public foots the bill for compensatory damages.

No argument here. With that, I would hope some of the demonization of the profession would go away. That would lend towards more qualified candidates who hopefully do a better job. I'm sure there have been a lot of young people with good ambitions be turned away from law enforcement with the constant negative rhetoric recently.
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