Democrats are starting to panic

I don't think that's it. The deed is already done. Crime is at all time highs in many places. You can't undo it for this election in my opinion. Just like you can just let in over two million people then say you know what, we believe in secure borders. They will have to be accountable. I know the electorate has a short memory but look at the number of issues mounting under this congress and administration. They are getting the lowest positive reviews ever recorded.
Resources should be targeted to bring crime rates back in line with the years preceding the pandemic. They had been on a steady decline for a while and it's doubtful many are at an all time high. There are enough police to make that happen if it's the goal rather than revenue collection

When Trump's numbers were low everyone blamed the polls. When Biden's are low everyone loves the polls. The shift based on party in control is a sight to behold
Resources should be targeted to bring crime rates back in line with the years preceding the pandemic. They had been on a steady decline for a while and it's doubtful many are at an all time high. There are enough police to make that happen if it's the goal rather than revenue collection

When Trump's numbers were low everyone blamed the polls. When Biden's are low everyone loves the polls. The shift based on party in control is a sight to behold

Polls are skewed when you run on fabricated stories and run with them nightly. Trumps numbers would have been better if those in media and those conducting the polls took were subjective. Media manipulation played a heavy hand in those numbers being low. Just look what has come out in the last few days. Biden just sucks as a President, people don't need polls to see gas up, food up, optics of mask in schools, crime in Democratic ran cities. His polls are organic and not living on the dangling carrot of impeachment, Russian Collusion, Steel Dossier and so on.
Resources should be targeted to bring crime rates back in line with the years preceding the pandemic. They had been on a steady decline for a while and it's doubtful many are at an all time high. There are enough police to make that happen if it's the goal rather than revenue collection

When Trump's numbers were low everyone blamed the polls. When Biden's are low everyone loves the polls. The shift based on party in control is a sight to behold

Cops in the cities experiencing high crime waves have zero incentive to be any more involved than necessary. I'm not saying cut loose and encourage them to crack heads, but the Dems have made a witch-hunt out of police for 2 years now. It starts at the top, if they want to fix their cities (they don't) then they will actually publicly support the police instead of running them over with a cavalry from every complaint.
Polls are skewed when you run on fabricated stories and run with them nightly. Trumps numbers would have been better if those in media and those conducting the polls took were subjective. Media manipulation played a heavy hand in those numbers being low. Just look what has come out in the last few days. Biden just sucks as a President, people don't need polls to see gas up, food up, optics of mask in schools, crime in Democratic ran cities. His polls are organic and not living on the dangling carrot of impeachment, Russian Collusion, Steel Dossier and so on.
Or Trump sucked and deserved his numbers just like Biden does. That's actually easier to believe than a national effort to make him look bad since it really wasn't needed
Cops in the cities experiencing high crime waves have zero incentive to be any more involved than necessary. I'm not saying cut loose and encourage them to crack heads, but the Dems have made a witch-hunt out of police for 2 years now. It starts at the top, if they want to fix their cities (they don't) then they will actually publicly support the police instead of running them over with a cavalry from every complaint.
Policing needs to change. Simply supporting what is currently in place fixes nothing.
Policing needs to change. Simply supporting what is currently in place fixes nothing.

Said nothing in opposition to that or supporting anything currently in place. Although the new policing methods in NY and Cali seem to be working out great.
Resources should be targeted to bring crime rates back in line with the years preceding the pandemic. They had been on a steady decline for a while and it's doubtful many are at an all time high. There are enough police to make that happen if it's the goal rather than revenue collection

When Trump's numbers were low everyone blamed the polls. When Biden's are low everyone loves the polls. The shift based on party in control is a sight to behold

I don't make much out of republicans not liking Biden. I make more out of democrats, independents and hispanics.

Also, I'm sure you're aware almost every police force in major cities are understaffed and haven't been replaced at the numbers they've lost in the last few years. You can't demonize a profession and think people want to jump through hoops to work in the industry even if for just the love as a public servant. I know you are also are aware money is not the only motivator when you look at legal career's.
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Again, the fact you can't see the same issue in your own tribe is hilarious.
Name them smart guy.

Here's yours:

African Americans (Democratic Plantation)

I could go on and on.

You're either blind

That's what's hilarious.

Here's your tribe.

Said nothing in opposition to that or supporting anything currently in place. Although the new policing methods in NY and Cali seem to be working out great.
Oh I must have misunderstood
if they want to fix their cities (they don't) then they will actually publicly support the police instead of running them over with a cavalry from every complaint.
Republicans pandering

racist groups
homophobic groups
the religious right
Trump and his minions.

There is pandering going on both sides. Difference is I can acknowledge it while you continue you act blind.
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Or Trump sucked and deserved his numbers just like Biden does. That's actually easier to believe than a national effort to make him look bad since it really wasn't needed
That’s fine, had there not been floated fabricated stories and it was on things that matter and his numbers were then that’s warranted. If Trumps numbers were that bad with made up stories, Biden has no made up stories. Those that went after Trump seem to whistle past the graveyard on Biden. I’m not saying Trump was a slam dunk President but even to the traditional leftist his Presidency wasn’t handled the same as Biden’s now. Nobody said Trump was polished….. polished got caught spying on Trump. Trump just made mean tweets and insensitive jokes about Rosie O’Donnell
Left pandering - old whites heading over to the other side of town to get votes. Promises of better futures for your vote. Areas they would not live in or their kids.

Left racist- Clinton’s, Biden, Squad members

Homophobic- Obama who ran on marriage between a man and woman

Non religious left- endorse abortion


Those who continually vote for the left but see no change. Minions. Murder up in Chicago, vote Democrat. Mask mandates in CA, eat at The French Laundry.

Biggest pander- young white elitist on the left flaunting their life of riches by being born to a political democrat
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You can support changing policy and procedures in policing while also supporting the police who are already doing what they are supposed to do. So yea, you misunderstood.
That assumes you have the right people already in place to implement that change
That assumes you have the right people already in place to implement that change

No argument there. That's why I said it's a top-down thing. People so focused on fixing the street cop when that's maybe step 5. Politicians>Laws>Courts>Brass>Street Cop. But all the blame and demonization is laid at the feet of the lowest on the totem pole. The other people get away free and easy.
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That assumes you have the right people already in place to implement that change
Might help to not take criticisms from emotional people who are constantly factually and intellectually incorrect on how laws, policies, procedures work as well as about what actual societal trends and stats are. Therein lies the issue
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Might help to not take criticisms from emotional people who are constantly factually and intellectually incorrect on how laws, policies, procedures work as well as about what actual societal trends and stats are. Therein lies the issue
Ones who make wild assertions without any facts to back them up are preferable? Actually they likely are

And how many links would you need to show cops struggle with what the actual law states? There's a whole thread full
No argument there. That's why I said it's a top-down thing. People so focused on fixing the street cop when that's maybe step 5. Politicians>Laws>Courts>Brass>Street Cop. But all the blame and demonization is laid at the feet of the lowest on the totem pole. The other people get away free and easy.
I've called for many laws to change and vote accordingly. Problem is fewer laws filters down to less money in the courts/municipality and less need for get on the streets. No one supports their own job being eliminated
I've called for many laws to change and vote accordingly. Problem is fewer laws filters down to less money in the courts/municipality and less need for get on the streets. No one supports their own job being eliminated

No matter which way you spin it, I don't think cops are in jeopardy of having their jobs eliminated. More open positions than applicants right now. Which is a very bad thing, because you are scraping the bottom of the barrel. That's what happens when dumbass propaganda like ACAB and Defund the Police take over a nation.
Ones who make wild assertions without any facts to back them up are preferable? Actually they likely are

And how many links would you need to show cops struggle with what the actual law states? There's a whole thread full
Really, all “cops” struggle with law?
Ones who make wild assertions without any facts to back them up are preferable? Actually they likely are

And how many links would you need to show cops struggle with what the actual law states? There's a whole thread full

I wouldn't trust a cop to best a fourth grader in a civics test that touches on the Constitution or the Bill of Rights.

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