Democrats are starting to panic

What examples of paramilitary stuff are you referring to? Like SWAT vehicles that are rarely used?

Yes, primarily things like that - and BDU type uniforms. If somebody wants that kind of stuff, they need to join the Army. I'm all in favor of the more European style blue and yellow very plainly marked cars and lighter color reflective uniforms. The dark blue and black or other less visible uniforms are a safety hazard - particularly at night.
Yes, primarily things like that - and BDU type uniforms. If somebody wants that kind of stuff, they need to join the Army. I'm all in favor of the more European style blue and yellow very plainly marked cars and lighter color reflective uniforms. The dark blue and black or other less visible uniforms are a safety hazard - particularly at night.
BDU uniforms are for K9s, range training or for other assignments. They aren’t just some dangerous secret uniform used by the military. Class B uniforms are literally for comfort and ease to move in high pressure situations or long assignments. As for the uniforms and patrol vehicles, I’m all for being more visible wearing bright vests while working traffic at night for safety when officers are walking around , but I mean the vehicles have big blue and red lights also the design of vehicles is up to that department. The great majority of city police vehicles are white or grey, sheriff is a little different and state police depends on the state obviously
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I think most people are in favor of better training, better laws, and some restriction of police power/demilitarization, none of which are specifically accomplished by the broad-scope word "defunding".
I think this is the first time I've ever agreed with you on anything in the politics forum, but you are 100% correct. Leftists and sadly some "liberals" fell in the trap of "burn it all down" when it comes to policing. The ACAB folks took over what should have been a more bipartisan movement and destroyed it, as leftists normally do.
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BDU uniforms are for K9s, range training or for other assignments. They aren’t just some dangerous secret uniform used by the military. Class B uniforms are literally for comfort and ease to move in high pressure situations or long assignments. As for the uniforms and patrol vehicles, I’m all for being more visible wearing bright vests while working traffic at night for safety when officers are walking around , but I mean the vehicles have big blue and red lights also the design of vehicles is up to that department. The great majority of city police vehicles are white or grey, sheriff is a little different and state police depends on the state obviously

Part of my thing about the car colors is about impersonation - it's rare, but it does happen. It's much easier to pull off when you see cars being marked with "Police" or "Sheriff" in the same color as the vehicle - just reflective if you see it from the side. The tiny light bars or lights in the grille are great for stealth, but not much for identifying a legitimate police car. I do understand that most people are on best behavior when they know they are being watched, but being stealthy is a lot like hiding behind an obstacle. We do have speed limits - generally arbitrarily set by a legislative body, but there's a really big difference in a speed limit and a safe speed which is often dependent on weather and traffic density. If you've ever driven on an unrestricted Autobahn, you quickly find out speed isn't a rush but it sure does mean paying a lot more attention than a mind numbing drive on many roads. Cars are so very different, but we're still generally driving the same speeds that were in effect when I started driving in the 60s or that I remember from the 50s.
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Polls are skewed when you run on fabricated stories and run with them nightly. Trumps numbers would have been better if those in media and those conducting the polls took were subjective. Media manipulation played a heavy hand in those numbers being low. Just look what has come out in the last few days. Biden just sucks as a President, people don't need polls to see gas up, food up, optics of mask in schools, crime in Democratic ran cities. His polls are organic and not living on the dangling carrot of impeachment, Russian Collusion, Steel Dossier and so on.
You could flip this entire statement around to apply to Fox News and the other Trumpy networks, which run fabricated stories nightly. Biden's numbers would be better if those watching the most viewed news network were more objective, instead of just blindly believing what Tucker or whoever tells them. Fox News has never played a hand in affecting poll numbers, either good for Trump or bad for Biden? And yes, Biden's polls are absolutely living on the dangling carrots of Hunter, Hillary, overthrowing the election, impeachment, etc.
“A camera for every Cop”

That would be one of my campaign pledges.

Society should want Cops with body cams.
Cops should want Cops with body cams.

And they don’t turn off. Ever.

Hell if I was a Cop I would refuse to go out on patrol without one.
This is the way. This is the way for cops to protect themselves from bad faith allegations, and for the rest of us to protect ourselves from ****** cops. Everyone wins.
I think this is the first time I've ever agreed with you on anything in the politics forum, but you are 100% correct. Leftists and sadly some "liberals" fell in the trap of "burn it all down" when it comes to policing. The ACAB folks took over what should have been a more bipartisan movement and destroyed it, as leftists normally do.

Zep are you ok ? You are starting to sound like a centrist . 😂
Zep are you ok ? You are starting to sound like a centrist . 😂
Nope, I'm still a left of center liberal and always have been. The post I agreed with were very liberal talking points, but I won't tell him that.

Leftists, as usual, took over a good thing and slapped a ****** slogan on it for Twitter clout.
Nope, I'm still a left of center liberal and always have been. The post I agreed with were very liberal talking points, but I won't tell him that.

Leftists, as usual, took over a good thing and slapped a ****** slogan on it for Twitter clout.

Well if you ever start to feel yourself going too far left , just stick your head out of the door and yell ..” hey you damn kids , get off my lawn “ should bring you right back .
Well if you ever start to feel yourself going too far left , just stick your head out of the door and yell ..” hey you damn kids , get off my lawn “ should bring you right back .
Well, on this board I'm Lenin, on other boards I'm a neoliberal capitalist shill, so I think I'm probably still doing alright.
I’d rather cops smoke a little weed than inject steroids like most do.

Yes, some do for sure. If they catch you with anabolic steroids You're likely to be cut a break. A lot would confiscate you gear and let you go. Of course, I think steroids should be legal anyways, so....
You could flip this entire statement around to apply to Fox News and the other Trumpy networks, which run fabricated stories nightly. Biden's numbers would be better if those watching the most viewed news network were more objective, instead of just blindly believing what Tucker or whoever tells them. Fox News has never played a hand in affecting poll numbers, either good for Trump or bad for Biden? And yes, Biden's polls are absolutely living on the dangling carrots of Hunter, Hillary, overthrowing the election, impeachment, etc.
Which fabricated story is causing Biden to be impeached? High gas prices, celebrities/politicians without mask, inflation, stock market down, cost of living up, covid, crime or Hunter's protected past? Again, had those left leaning media outlets focused on the facts and not opinions than Trumps 4 years would have been different, but media manipulation got an entire side to buy into something that was false. Tucker doesn't tell me anything I cannot walk out and see in my community for myself. I get where you're trying to go because whoever holds the WH controls what Fox or CNN/MSNBC play to the audience. Common sense although lacking in some is still undefeated.
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Yes, some do for sure. If they catch you with anabolic steroids You're likely to be cut a break. A lot would confiscate you gear and let you go. Of course, I think steroids should be legal anyways, so....

I think all drugs should be legal and about the only thing that should require a prescription is antibiotics but that's a different subject.

I think way more than 1/2 of the 30something and younger cops on the beat are roid heads.
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