Democrats OK with calling Black folk “Boy”

Of course they are, they have been lorded over by their white, left wing masters since the 1960's are perfectly ok with it. The only things they have gotten for it are high poverty rates and just enough welfare to prevent many of them from ever earning enough to join the middle class.
The only things they have gotten for it are high poverty rates and just enough welfare to prevent many of them from ever earning enough to join the middle class.

Then when there is a Republican Supermajority that coincides with a Republican Presidency, why is this not among the first things adjusted?

I believe the Democratic Party has failed to address poverty in a meaningful way for decades now, but I don't see the Republicans rising to the challenge either. The most progress towards getting people off of welfare in my lifetime was during the Clinton administration.

It's like we keep people in poverty so we have something to blame on the other party. And this sentence works for both parties.
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Then when there is a Republican Supermajority that coincides with a Republican Presidency, why is this not among the first things adjusted?

I believe the Democratic Party has failed to address poverty in a meaningful way for decades now, but I don't see the Republicans rising to the challenge either. The most progress towards getting people off of welfare in my lifetime was during the Clinton administration.

It's like we keep people in poverty so we have something to blame on the other party. And this sentence works for both parties.

it was moving in the right direction pre pandemic. income gap was shrinking, real wages were rising and jobs were plentiful.
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Then when there is a Republican Supermajority that coincides with a Republican Presidency, why is this not among the first things adjusted?

I believe the Democratic Party has failed to address poverty in a meaningful way for decades now, but I don't see the Republicans rising to the challenge either. The most progress towards getting people off of welfare in my lifetime was during the Clinton administration.

It's like we keep people in poverty so we have something to blame on the other party. And this sentence works for both parties.

Because any real attempt at reforming welfare have been met with weeping and gnashing of teeth by most politicians but especially by those of the liberal persuasion. I agree most Republicans suck at governing as well but they would never get away with saying "boy" so it's a moot point.
Certainly anyone with any sense can see he didn't call him boy in a derogatory sense. You guys have so much to work with to criticize Biden over and you hitched your wagon to this one.
Certainly anyone with any sense can see he didn't call him boy in a derogatory sense. You guys have so much to work with to criticize Biden over and you hitched your wagon to this one.

Nah, not really but my point still stands and I know he wasn't talking to him like an escaped slave.
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Certainly anyone with any sense can see he didn't call him boy in a derogatory sense. You guys have so much to work with to criticize Biden over and you hitched your wagon to this one.
You should use the term with a non derogatory tone when opportune. Let us know how it goes.
Certainly anyone with any sense can see he didn't call him boy in a derogatory sense. You guys have so much to work with to criticize Biden over and you hitched your wagon to this one.

With Biden's history how can we know?
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Certainly anyone with any sense can see he didn't call him boy in a derogatory sense. You guys have so much to work with to criticize Biden over and you hitched your wagon to this one.

no different than any minor hiccup with Trump

I do believe there's a double standard though in how these hiccups get amplified or downplayed.
She called Dink a Republican. HA!

That made me spit out my Paloma. Well done.

We all tried to keep in good spirits about her condition. We found that particular recurring incident to be hilarious. My godmother, who is black, probably found more humor in it than anyone else. Grandma would just refer to me as "That n*****" at every turn.
That made me spit out my Paloma. Well done.

We all tried to keep in good spirits about her condition. We found that particular recurring incident to be hilarious. My godmother, who is black, probably found more humor in it than anyone else. Grandma would just refer to me as "That n*****" at every turn.

I was just thinking of that Dave Chappelle "Clayton Bigsby" skit when he called the two white kids playing rap that name.
And 90% of the people here would be writing multiple paragraphs explaining why describing him as "a boy" is different from addressing somebody directly as "boy".
Biden called an African American a boy. He was probably having flashbacks to his " racial Jungle" statement.
Y'all aright with that?
Boy Biden called an African American a boy. He was probably having flashbacks to his " racial Jungle" statement.
Y'all aright with that?

It does nothing to change my opinion that he is a useless, FOS idiot of a politician. I'm not one of the many people here flip-flopping on these gaffes, depending on who is in office.
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Didn't one of our posters leave over a disagreement/misunderstanding over the word "boy"?

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