Democrats OK with calling Black folk “Boy”

saw a meme that was 1980 is a far from 2021 as it is from 1939. funny how the past we lived seems shorter than the past that came before us.

Well, I am 3 clubs behind where I was in 1980 and I was thinking about that today while playing. This post only adds to my realization that I’m not that ass kicker I used to be. Post is factual, but, damn ... could have done without it.
Nobody is okay with him saying that. You should write for the National Enquirer with the thread titles you come up with, I’ll give you that. From the article you posted, show me anywhere that anybody was okay with that comment from Biden?
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As much as I loathe Biden, I see no problem with the boy comment, nor with his Super Predators comment.
I don't really think that is the point, and I don't think any of Joe's detractors here are saying that it was actually a racist comment or that he is a racist.

However, if (insert conservative here) said it, it would be wall-to-wall news and there would be serious calls for their resignation or cancellation. They would receive no such benefit of the doubt. And if anybody claims that Joe deserves some benefit of the doubt, no such benefit of the doubt would be given to a conservative that had made various remarks Joe Biden has made over the years. What if Mitt Romney had said "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook man." (talking about Obama). Would anybody consider that a compliment?
I don't really think that is the point, and I don't think any of Joe's detractors here are saying that it was actually a racist comment or that he is a racist.

However, if (insert conservative here) said it, it would be wall-to-wall news and there would be serious calls for their resignation or cancellation. They would receive no such benefit of the doubt. And if anybody claims that Joe deserves some benefit of the doubt, no such benefit of the doubt would be given to a conservative that had made various remarks Joe Biden has made over the years. What if Mitt Romney had said "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook man." (talking about Obama). Would anybody consider that a compliment?
You aren’t wrong, there is a double standard.
Nah. I would say it's a racially insensitive thing to say. I never once called Trump a white supremacist.

Search results for query: supremacist

Ok then why are you not calling out Biden for saying a racially insensitive thing instead of bringing Trump into the discussion?

Trump is no longer president and never will be again while Biden is the sitting president who made a racial remark.

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