Democrats plan to introduce articles of impeachment as early as Monday

Rep. Mike Johnson: Impeachment Was About Democrats Framing 75 Million Trump Supporters as Capitol Hill Rioters


Democrats used their impeachment pursuit against former President Donald Trump as an attempt to “equate” 75 million Americans who voted for Trump with “the couple hundred criminals who came in an ransacked the Capitol,” Rep. Mike Johnson said (R-LA) in an interview on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Sunday with host Joel Pollak.

Johnson said the Democrats’ “ultimate goal” with impeachment was to frame Trump’s supporters as indistinguishable from Capitol rioters.

Rep. Mike Johnson: Democrats Tried Framing 75 Million Trump Supporters
That is a far right outlet (Breitbart) implying that the votes for impeaching Donald Trump in the House and the votes for conviction in the Senate trial were a purely partisan exercise. However, there were 10 Republicans in the House who voted in favor of impeachment, and 7 Republicans in the Senate who voted in favor of conviction. That is an inconvenient fact for this narrative. Those Republicans weren't trying to frame all of Trump's voters as "indistinguishable from Capitol rioters", because many of those same voters also voted for them as well.

Also, I love how right wing media always rounds up Trump's popular vote total. Joe Biden was closer to having 82 million votes than Donald Trump was to having 75 million.

Popular Votes in the 2020 Presidential Election

Joe Biden (D) ............. 81,268,924
Donald Trump (R) .... 74,216,154
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So what did they send Pat Toomey to the Senate for? The unconditional support and defense of Donald Trump, regardless of what he does? The Republican Party has become a cult. That idiot in the video (Dave Ball) just proved it. By that guy's own foolish admission, his political party no longer exists to advance conservative principles and ideals. They now exist for the sole purpose of unconditionally defending and advancing the interests of one man. That makes them a cult of personality.

Cult of Personality: Arises when an individual uses the techniques of mass media (such as Twitter), propaganda (such as Fox News), the big lie (such as having the 2020 presidential election stolen from him), spectacle (such as MAGA rallies), the arts, patriotism and government-organized demonstrations (such as the one on January 6th in D.C.) to create an idealized, heroic, and worshipful image of a leader, often through unquestioning flattery and praise (which Trump even publicly requested from his cabinet once).

Watch a documentary on the Jonestown suicides some time. There are several available on YouTube. Those people spoke of Jim Jones in much the same way that Republicans now speak of Donald Trump. Republicans believe that whatever helps Donald Trump is always what must be done without question or conscience. PATHETIC.
You hate far too many people to make any such claim as to loving this country. You're too weak minded and lack the spine. Only the dumbest agree with you
Lol you are right about one thing, I do hate you libs. I hate what you all have done to this country.
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GOP Rep. Adam Kinzinger's family DISOWNS him for opposing Trump: 11 relatives sign handwritten letter calling him a 'disappointment to God and Lou Dobbs' and a member of the 'devil's army' after he backed impeachment

Illinois Republican Rep. Adam Kinzinger has released a scathing handwritten letter he received from a number of his relatives, calling him a ‘disappointment to God’ and a stain on their family's name for backing the impeachment of Donald Trump.

Penned by 11 members of his extended family, Kinzinger was accused in the letter of being in cahoots with ‘the devils army (Democrats and the fake news media)’ for publicly opposing the then-president, and requesting the 25th Amendment be invoked against him.

‘How do you call yourself a Christian when you join the “devil’s army” believing in abortion!’ the note continues. ‘We thought you were “smart” enough to see how the left is brainwashing so many.’

Kinzinger releases letter from family saying he 'joined devil's army' by backing Trump's impeachment | Daily Mail Online
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GOP Rep. Adam Kinzinger's family DISOWNS him for opposing Trump: 11 relatives sign handwritten letter calling him a 'disappointment to God and Lou Dobbs' and a member of the 'devil's army' after he backed impeachment

Illinois Republican Rep. Adam Kinzinger has released a scathing handwritten letter he received from a number of his relatives, calling him a ‘disappointment to God’ and a stain on their family's name for backing the impeachment of Donald Trump.

Penned by 11 members of his extended family, Kinzinger was accused in the letter of being in cahoots with ‘the devils army (Democrats and the fake news media)’ for publicly opposing the then-president, and requesting the 25th Amendment be invoked against him.

‘How do you call yourself a Christian when you join the “devil’s army” believing in abortion!’ the note continues. ‘We thought you were “smart” enough to see how the left is brainwashing so many.’

Kinzinger releases letter from family saying he 'joined devil's army' by backing Trump's impeachment | Daily Mail Online
This is why people make fun of the right.
Curious who did you vote for during the presidential elections when ole mitten and McCain ran?
Mistakenly I voted for them though it was much more of a vote against Barry. I will never vote for the Romney, McCain, Blackburn types again. I’m done voting for the lesser of 2 evils, if they don’t fit my beliefs I will sit home
Mistakenly I voted for them though it was much more of a vote against Barry. I will never vote for the Romney, McCain, Blackburn types again. I’m done voting for the lesser of 2 evils, if they don’t fit my beliefs I will sit home

Going the libertarian route ala Huff style?

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