Democrats plan to introduce articles of impeachment as early as Monday

But that’s not the case. Your loaded question blew back at you and you deflected. Now sure keep up the charade. Here are you two BFFs
Blew back at me? WTH?
You answered the question. Finally.
You think there was interference but not enough to change the results. Not a horrible answer, in fact one of your better ones.
Rep. Mike Johnson: Impeachment Was About Democrats Framing 75 Million Trump Supporters as Capitol Hill Rioters


Democrats used their impeachment pursuit against former President Donald Trump as an attempt to “equate” 75 million Americans who voted for Trump with “the couple hundred criminals who came in an ransacked the Capitol,” Rep. Mike Johnson said (R-LA) in an interview on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Sunday with host Joel Pollak.

Johnson said the Democrats’ “ultimate goal” with impeachment was to frame Trump’s supporters as indistinguishable from Capitol rioters.

Rep. Mike Johnson: Democrats Tried Framing 75 Million Trump Supporters

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