Democrats plan to introduce articles of impeachment as early as Monday

jeez what an ego you have.

I know many Trump supporters from all over the spectrum.

If I was to rate something "simple-minded" it would be this characterization of 70+ million of your fellow citizens
And I bet that none of them can bring themselves to admit that Trump lost a free and fair election. I have yet to meet one who can do that. Obviously, living in Knoxville, I have met quite a few of them myself.
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Is this the new idiot lib pledge of allegiance or something? You morons seem to be sprinkling it around in several forms more than “we have been trying to reach you about your automobile warranty”
I have multiple questions that serve as infallible litmus tests.
yes (though I didn't vote for him), as free and fair as 2016.

do you believe Russian interference is why Trump won the 2016 election?
I think it played a role. I desperately wanted to believe it played a large enough role to change the outcome, but I have reluctantly concluded that America may actually have made that choice mostly on their own.

I'm about 85% sure that Trump would have won even without Russia interfering on his behalf.
I always know the answer when an answer is avoided.
Here’s the answer. Do I believe you liberal idiots interfered in the election? Yes. Absolutely. However I struggle to reconcile after four years plus of Keystone Cops Russia Collision you morons were capable of getting organized enough to actually flip the result. So bend that affirmative answer to fit your loaded question however you see fit.
Here’s the answer. Do I believe you liberal idiots interfered in the election? Yes. Absolutely. However I struggle to reconcile after four years plus of Keystone Cops Russia Collision you morons were capable of getting organized enough to actually flip the result. So bend that affirmative answer to fit your loaded question however you see fit.
Sorry we voted! Joe's still your president

You one of these?

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