Over the years my thinking on the improtance of CiC has evolved. I used the think the role was critical. Now, I believe the position is really inconsequential until something critical shows up. The challenge with that is that critical moments are never planned so it is risky to put unqualified people in qualified positions.
A symptom of a broken congress, not that we've had particularly qualified presidents in office.
I think Bush Sr., or maybe it was Reagan, started the steady increase of EO's. Other than CivilWar/Reconstruction era and the World War eras, I think the last 30-40 year's volume of
legislative EO's are unprecedented.
And I would argue unqualified people create more critical, consequential situations due to their ineptness… that they then cannot handle. Downward cycle…
They CiC's have just been pi$sing on each others legs and undoing each others EO's for the most part.
The courts have been mitigating most of the damage, but they can only adjudicate with the existing laws and bills that have already passed.
Agreed. The downward cycle away from our constitution is proof.
But the presidency should be relegated to a minimum amount of opportunity for unqualified people to create more critical consequential situations. The majority of the USA's business should be handled by the House.
Exactly. Our apathetic congress has placed undue strain on the presidency. They're going to break the judicial system at this rate.