22nd & 24th POTUS; Predecessor to 45 and 47.
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They gave the violent felon several opportunities to go peacefully did they not? And then he decided to get violent with them and commit more felonies. They were not "heavyhanded" at all until this occurred...don't you agree?
She killed him out of negligence and bad training yes, but that's not being "heavy handed" and it wasn't a "shoot first ask questions later" scenario that you stated....the suspect started the violenceBro, she killed him when her life wasn't in danger. Just like Chauvin did and countless others. Cell phones and body cams (when they're not turned off) are game changers, your buddies need to lock it down or they're going to be doing time like the broad and Chauvin are about to.
You are welcome to take their place
She killed him out of negligence and bad training yes, but that's not being "heavy handed" and it wasn't a "shoot first ask questions later" scenario that you stated....the suspect started the violence
spoken like someone who has never actually experienced anything like a police ride a long or training on a FATS machine let alone dealing with the actual issues that police deal withUnlike these thugs with badges and immunity, I recognize my temperament wouldnt lend itself to law enforcement. Unfortunately for them and their victims, this is probably one of few professions they can make a career of without having to rely on intelligence. Braun is all that's needed.
I am and have not justified her negligence. What I correctly pointed out was what happened and that your hyperbole of "shoot first ask questions later" and "heavy handedness" did not occur on this incident. and again you act like unjustified, illegal or negligent shootings by police happens frequently when statistically they do notWhatever you need to tell yourself to justify yet another unnecessary killing of a civilian by a cop.
spoken like someone who has never actually experienced anything like a police ride a long or training on a FATS machine let alone dealing with the actual issues that police deal with
I am and have not justified her negligence. What I correctly pointed out was what happened and that your hyperbole of "shoot first ask questions later" and "heavy handedness" did not occur on this incident. and again you act like unjustified, illegal or negligent shootings by police happens frequently when statistically they do not
You seem to be saying one side knows the risks, but the other side doesn't. Does that seem logical to you?Celebrate? Get a grip.
Being a LEO is a dangerous job, and the risk is known before day one. Shooting first and asking questions later is becoming the norm, trying to justify it is weak af.
How many were traffic deaths or non violent crime deaths?
You seem to be saying one side knows the risks, but the other side doesn't. Does that seem logical to you?
Fair enough, but are you saying since one side is compensated and knows the risks, then the other side (civilians/criminals/whatever you want to call them) doesn't have any responsibility and the risks that come with their criminal behavior is not important?LEO's are trained and compensated to do a job that is high stress and knowingly dangerous, LEO's have the burden of responsibility to use measured force in their interactions with civilians. Crushing a mans larynx or "accidentally" discharging a gun are just the latest incidents in what seems to be occurring more, but I'd submit it's not, it's probably happening at the same rate - it's simply being documented for the world to see due to cell phones and body cams.
Closing arguments are Monday. I think the jury will get the case on Mondaytrial is pretty much over now. Tommorrow I think is closing statements and then the jury starts deliberating on Monday
Just stop. You are trying to make it like this kind of thing happens every day and twice on Sunday. It doesn't. Like has been said elsewhere, Ms Potter didn't get up that morning with the intent of killing a black man. Weak af doesn't begin to describe the narrative that the vast majority of cops do. Shoot first ask questions later. THAT is weak af.Celebrate? Get a grip.
Being a LEO is a dangerous job, and the risk is known before day one. Shooting first and asking questions later is becoming the norm, trying to justify it is weak af.
How many were traffic deaths or non violent crime deaths?