I always act high and mighty, Emain. You know this. All part of being an "unapologetic @**hole." Also known as, reaching Maslow's Fifth and Final Stage: Self-Actualization!:hi:sure, act all high and mighty because you have a functional family
truth be told, my parents weren't, I think it was a shotgun wedding.
You're honestly trying to tell us heading into a recession period is leaving the economy in reasonable shape?
our last president left the economy heading into a recession too. unemployment is still near historical lows and let's face it as long as the president doesn't go wackjob (i.e. obama type policies) he doesn't have that much of an effect on the economy.
If someone loses a job making $20.00 an hour and has no choice but to take a job making $8.00 an hour, by replacing one job with another doesn't that keep the unemployment level low? I don't think that's an accurate measure of the economy. If you graduate from college with intentions of making 100K + a year but can only get a job making 50k a year, isn't that still a job which is counted towards keeping unemployment low?
maybe but I lean toward an idiot over-valuing their skills. The market is paying them what they're worth
maybe but I lean toward an idiot over-valuing their skills. The market is paying them what they're worth
i'd have to agree. the only people i know who fit in that category were dotcomers who were making insane money even though they had art degrees. and people making $8 an hour generally don't have marketable skills. they might have been making $20 an hour working for a union or something.
Maybe they don't have marketable skills but it doesn't change the idea of unemployment numbers not changing if they take that job after losing the $20.00 an hour job. There are a lot of union members in Michigan that are in this situation. If you support the union or not that is another discussion for another time but it still makes for an example of how this is not a true gauge of our economy.
Maybe they don't have marketable skills but it doesn't change the idea of unemployment numbers not changing if they take that job after losing the $20.00 an hour job. There are a lot of union members in Michigan that are in this situation. If you support the union or not that is another discussion for another time but it still makes for an example of how this is not a true gauge of our economy.
Do you think that every graduate has a job waiting for them? If you can't find a job and have to settle for a lesser job than I don't see that as "over-valuing" if they truly have the skills for that job that is not there.
there are very few (if any) college grads that command the type of money they believe they are due. It's great they think their skills are worth $100k but the market is telling them they are not. You are only worth what someone is willing to pay you.
there are very few (if any) college grads that command the type of money they believe they are due. It's great they think their skills are worth $100k but the market is telling them they are not. You are only worth what someone is willing to pay you.
That is a good point. I just think that if the economy is stronger than there might be someone else willing to pay you more. I guess I am assuming a good economy would lead to more options for the graduate to land that higher paying job.
That is a good point. I just think that if the economy is stronger than there might be someone else willing to pay you more. I guess I am assuming a good economy would lead to more options for the graduate to land that higher paying job.
i'd argue the economy isn't a bad one. it's much easier to get a well paying job now (in my experience) than it was say in 2001 or 2002. unless you are in finance :sick:. hopefully i wont get fired