I didn't read but a couple of pages of replies, so this may be redundant. However, I urge everyone on this board to stop buying into this "SEC prde" myth that has been floated around for the last several years. It is complete and udder B.S.
Let me ask, do you think Clem's son feels better because now that ass whipping they took from the 'Noles earlier in the season, all of a sudden "they got beat by the eventual National Champs? NO.
Do you feel better about our beloved Big Orange 'cause we've lost to all of the previous 7 NC winners, I sure as hell do not.
Has the SEC teams (other than us) winning the titles, helped our cause any? NO. And don't go crying about the money that is shared among the conference teams, as far as I'm concerned, it's blood money!
We have LOST more games in the last half decade than anyone on here can remember when compared from the previous 25, mainly in the name of recruits.
Why on earth anyone would want their opponet to have more bullets going into a fight baffles me, but when you pull for one of our rivals, that's exactly what you are doing. Because when they win, what do think the coaches out on the recruitng trail are saying...
Maybe it's the feeling that everyone thinks somehow if so and so wins, that'll justify our crappy team, B.S.
Go talk to people outside our conference, they know we are in the lower half, and have been, we aren't nearly as significant as we'd like to think (and that's including our glorious history)
I guarantee-damn-tee you that if these other ******* teams weren't wnning, they wouldn't be pulling for us...FLA, nah, GA, nah, the Gumps, hardly, they still hate us from kicking their asses a decade ago.
I IMPLORE all of Volnation, to stop this dumbass practice from here on out, it won't help the Mighty Vols in the only arena that counts, and that's on the field. It's a freaking fight every day from the practice field, weight room, recruiting battles, and ultimately on gameday, if you want to go stand with our SEC betheren, GTFO. I say, if you're not with us, your against us. Cheering for our rivals proves you're not with us!