Do People Understand Section 230?

I know big tech = bad, need punishment but do people understand what section 230 is and what it does? It's basically existed since the inception of the internet (1996) as we know it and it protects websites from being held liable for things that users do and say on their platforms. Removing section 230 protections will do nothing to solve the problem of big tech censorship.

If section 230 protection is removed, @Freak could be held liable for anything any of the 62k Volnation users post. He doesn't even have to lose a lawsuit in order to get wrecked by this. He could just get drowned in frivolous suits with no merit. Section 230 prevents all of this. Facebook has a legal team with endless resources. Google has a legal team. Good luck drowning them in frivolous suits. Removing section 230 would help to eliminate smaller platforms as competition. This is why Zuckerburg has asked for more regulation. He's not an idiot. We're the idiots if we push for this.

Removing section 230 inevitably will increase censorship. If FB, or whomever, is liable for things I say, why would they ever let me post something that immediately publishes? They'll probably make everything await moderation. Why would they ever let me post anything controversial? They're definitely going to clamp down on that.

Be careful what you ask for.
Wish or not, it's days are numbered. The Feds don't take kindly to threats to national security.
While I think Twitter and Facebook have way too much power and influence, I’m all for the government not meddling in how people do business.
If people don’t like how they operate that business, don’t do business with them. Let those platforms become even more of an echo chamber and let the trolls that stay behind troll each other.
While I think Twitter and Facebook have way too much power and influence, I’m all for the government not meddling in how people do business.
If people don’t like how they operate that business, don’t do business with them. Let those platforms become even more of an echo chamber and let the trolls that stay behind troll each other.

Government directly meddles in every business. These platforms have become to powerful and need to be reigned in one way or another.

Part of my view on this being OK is that the fact that the president doesn't need Twitter or FB. He can go out on the front yard anytime, denounce the violence, and it would be covered by everyone. He's not being "silenced."
Government directly meddles in every business. These platforms have become to powerful and need to be reigned in one way or another.
I agree they’ve become too powerful, I also think that the government shouldn’t meddle in other businesses either. A free market should be able to correct itself. If enough people get upset, Twitter and Facebook will lose a ton of revenue. If they don’t, then not enough people care how terribly they run their business.
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