Do People Understand Section 230?

Part of my view on this being OK is that the fact that the president doesn't need Twitter or FB. He can go out on the front yard anytime, denounce the violence, and it would be covered by everyone. He's not being "silenced."
Horse manure.

Twitter is a tool he can use to directly communicate with people. No media required.
They get the legal benefit of being recognized as a platform, not a publisher yet they consistently and selectively censor content and users based on politics

Ok well I like posting on VN. But please continue your argument for more censorship
Don't they have a agree or disagree part, that says they can remove or delete content they believe to be harmful to said community. I believe it may be kind of like a contract. And, it probably protects them from being sued or any type of liability.
Ok well I like posting on VN. But please continue your argument for more censorship
VN isn’t banning anyone. And I’m not arguing for removal of 230. I’m arguing that some businesses - especially Twitter - operate as publishers with the legal protections of platforms.
I know big tech = bad, need punishment but do people understand what section 230 is and what it does? It's basically existed since the inception of the internet (1996) as we know it and it protects websites from being held liable for things that users do and say on their platforms. Removing section 230 protections will do nothing to solve the problem of big tech censorship.

If section 230 protection is removed, @Freak could be held liable for anything any of the 62k Volnation users post. He doesn't even have to lose a lawsuit in order to get wrecked by this. He could just get drowned in frivolous suits with no merit. Section 230 prevents all of this. Facebook has a legal team with endless resources. Google has a legal team. Good luck drowning them in frivolous suits. Removing section 230 would help to eliminate smaller platforms as competition. This is why Zuckerburg has asked for more regulation. He's not an idiot. We're the idiots if we push for this.

Removing section 230 inevitably will increase censorship. If FB, or whomever, is liable for things I say, why would they ever let me post something that immediately publishes? They'll probably make everything await moderation. Why would they ever let me post anything controversial? They're definitely going to clamp down on that.

Be careful what you ask for.
Very good point you’ve made. I agree completely
They get the legal benefit of being recognized as a platform, not a publisher yet they consistently and selectively censor content and users based on politics
They also get the legal benefit of the First Amendment, last time I checked. And that means that if they're tired of the president using their service to post lies and stir up unrest, they can turn off his account.
VN isn’t banning anyone.
That's not true. You have to be a complete chode for it to happen but it does. Happened a lot more when UT was good though

Govt isn't going to let you pick and choose with a scalpel. They will just pick up a hammer and knock it out
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Couple interesting points in the middle of this podcast

--part of the problem for social media is for years they essentially sold themselves as being public forums that anyone can sign up for and share anything. Only later did they realize that there's a lot of bad out there, so there has to be rules. And the transition we've been seeing from the "come on in, everyone" to a "actually, this is our website and we make up the rules" is a difficult one.

--would it actually benefit social media companies to have more government regulation (reforming 230)? If the laws were changed, then companies would have a government scapegoat for unpopular decisions ("we're just following the law!"). Also, there would be the usual regulatory capture that would benefit the big companies and suppress competition.
If you can’t see what’s happening you’re not paying attention

So Apple is saying they will not allow Parlor ap on their devices? Sounds antitrust just like what the EU sued Microsoft for. BTW, I wonder if MS ever payed that biziilion fine.
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