Do we win a natty in football...

Baseball, for sure. Football is going to be really tough. Not as tough with Satan gone, but the SEC is still an absolute monster to get through. I just don’t think we have recruited well enough in football to expect a national championship. We have in baseball.
See tons of people agreeing with what i said and I got blasted for it lol.

We are going to be natty free for a long time.
A football natty will be HARD - because we have to combat the referees more than the opposing teams we play. More than the usual dirt, and Bama-ized SEC refs, I think all the others are ESPN-ized refs, so....
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We have a winner in TV.

I believe honestky CJH wins it all in 2026 if Nico stays.

I don’t see Barnes ever winning it all. He may make the final four at some point but sweet 16 is his ceiling and he rarely gets to the elite 8.
Football is the most likely, just because you need a LOT of luck to win one in basketball or baseball.

I have heard this argument about college basketball many times yet oddly you see the same group of coaches and schools winning it all regularly. Hurley didn’t win a single game this last tourney by luck. He built a team that obliterated everyone.
Yes I believe UT and Heupel will win one relatively soon. I believe that simply because the changes that are happening will make winning one "different" than in the past. You could argue that a small playoff or even polls do a better job of producing the "best" champion than something like the NCAA basketball tournament. Great teams on a bad day lose to bad teams all the time.

The best example I know of directly is NC State under Valvano. They weren't the best team in the NCAA. They probably weren't in the top half of the ACC to be truthful. But the went on a run and caught some breaks. They got some good breaks with opponents in the tournament... and then some teams like Houston just didn't play as well as they could.

There was a time when building a championship program took most coaches time. Not so much any more with NIL and the portal. The right coach can get the right players and win quickly.

So build a consistent, high level program. And... you will have a year when it is everyone else that loses key players at the wrong time, gets a bad bounce, or stumbles. It will be your year when Stoerner lays one on the turf for you.
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Talent-wise, we have the best chance in Basketball but I vote for Baseball. It just seems easier to win it in Baseball. I mean Vandy won 2 Natties in Baseball so that sums it up.

Basketball really comes down to a lot of luck (how well your team is hitting 3 pointers and whether your opponent is hitting them or not).

We still seem to have some work to go in Football. I would probably like our chances in Football more if it wasn't for Georgia and Kirby Smart being in the way.
I had it right :)
I think Barnes has figured out how to maximize his roster from the Portal. I could certainly see him winning one next year if all.the pieces work together. But Dan Hurley stands in the way and anything can happen in March Madness. I say he gets it done in 1-3 years before retiring.

I think Huepel will win one, but not this year. One of these 5 star QBs will though. I think Nico could be good enough. But the recruiting isn't quite elite enough. But I think he gets it done somewhere between the next 2 to 5 years.

As for Baseball, I don't think you can ever count out Vitello now that he has won one. I think he gets another one in 1-2 more years. He recruits too well and the train is just getting started.

So I suppose with that I'd say Basketball only becuase their season is before Baseball. Then Baseball. Then Football. But who knows. All three programs are in good position.
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I have heard this argument about college basketball many times yet oddly you see the same group of coaches and schools winning it all regularly. Hurley didn’t win a single game this last tourney by luck. He built a team that obliterated everyone.
Name them
I think the Lizards down south had a Football & Basketball Natty-fest one year...

But has ANYONE held the Triple Crown??!!

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