Do you Run?……Walk?….Bike?…..Swim?……..lift weights? What’s your workout plan?

I don’t have a FitBit or Apple Watch yet. I use an app called Vima Walk to track my mileage on my phone. I have to record my distance/minutes on my Notes app since the free version only keeps 5 trips. It lets you e-mail the map and data though.

I was surprised that there weren’t really good Apple or Google apps available.

There are free apps that can help you. RunKeeper is one. Will keep a map of your run/walk, stats, give you intervals when you want, etc. All free.
I'm training for he Music City Half Marathon. I had never done more than 3.1 miles and am now up to 7. Right knee is in pain and swelling, left calf is strained and achilles is sore. I am going to try to get in a 9-10 miler tomorrow morning but haven't ran since Monday when I strained my calf. I'm running for my mental being. I've had a rough last 6 months and running helps me to get by.
I did the Knoxville half marathon a few years ago. Spent 3 months training for it and the only thing that got me through it was promising myself, after it was over, I'd never run again. I finished it right at my 2 hour goal and kept my promise 😁.
I did the Knoxville half marathon a few years ago. Spent 3 months training for it and the only thing that got me through it was promising myself, after it was over, I'd never run again. I finished it right at my 2 hour goal and kept my promise 😁.
I did one 1/2 marathon and when I finished, I never wanted to run another one. I absolutely hate running
I did one 1/2 marathon and when I finished, I never wanted to run another one. I absolutely hate running

I’m convinced anyone that runs more than a mile or two is a psychopath. It is the most mind numbingly boring activity on the face of the earth and the worst 30 minutes of my day.
Did a little over three miles in a little over 30 minutes. I have lost a step or twelve.

Did 1.6 miles in 17 minutes on Thursday
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In the '90s and first half of the '00s I routinely ran 3-5 miles. It was how I exercised.

Then in 2005 I picked up cycling and that was exclusively my exercise for the next decade+.

In the early '10s I got rheumatoid arthritis, which targeted my knees. More often than not I had inflammation in my knees for the next 10 years.

In 2015, I was walking and the urge came over me to try to run again. As I said, I hadn't done it in a long time. I did a couple miles. it was OK. A couple days later my knee really started hurting. I got it checked out and discovered I had a fracture in the bone near my knee. I don't know what caused it, but I theorize that my weakened bones (due to prednisone) + the stress of running may have been the cause.

That injury, plus the chronic problem of knee inflammation lead me to think I wasn't going to run again.

However, a year and a half ago I got treatments on my knees which have nearly returned them to normal, inflamation-wise.

This past winter I was doing brisk walks for exercise. I picked up the pace to the point where you can legitimately call it a slow run. Done it several times now. I don't push it too hard, for fear of another fracture. But so far I've just had minor discomfort.

When the weather is not cold, cycling is my go-to exercise. But as my body allows, I may "run" some when it's colder.

tl;dr I used to run a lot; now I run a little, maybe.
I’m convinced anyone that runs more than a mile or two is a psychopath. It is the most mind numbingly boring activity on the face of the earth and the worst 30 minutes of my day.
If it was a treadmill I don’t think I could do it.
I’m lucky to live in a neighborhood with a lot of trails. That helps a lot.
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In the '90s and first half of the '00s I routinely ran 3-5 miles. It was how I exercised.

Then in 2005 I picked up cycling and that was exclusively my exercise for the next decade+.

In the early '10s I got rheumatoid arthritis, which targeted my knees. More often than not I had inflammation in my knees for the next 10 years.

In 2015, I was walking and the urge came over me to try to run again. As I said, I hadn't done it in a long time. I did a couple miles. it was OK. A couple days later my knee really started hurting. I got it checked out and discovered I had a fracture in the bone near my knee. I don't know what caused it, but I theorize that my weakened bones (due to prednisone) + the stress of running may have been the cause.

That injury, plus the chronic problem of knee inflammation lead me to think I wasn't going to run again.

However, a year and a half ago I got treatments on my knees which have nearly returned them to normal, inflamation-wise.

This past winter I was doing brisk walks for exercise. I picked up the pace to the point where you can legitimately call it a slow run. Done it several times now. I don't push it too hard, for fear of another fracture. But so far I've just had minor discomfort.

When the weather is not cold, cycling is my go-to exercise. But as my body allows, I may "run" some when it's colder.

tl;dr I used to run a lot; now I run a little, maybe.
I’m old now too. I use an old man stride and very squishy shoes.
The Hoka’s have helped a bunch
If it was a treadmill I don’t think I could do it.
I’m lucky to live in a neighborhood with a lot of trails. That helps a lot.

I used to do trail running at Ijams when I lived in Knoxville.

Unfortunately I live in HOA suburbia now and the closest trail to me is the easement between me and my neighbors.

I honestly prefer the treadmill. I can stick my phone in the cup holder and zone out to a podcast.

Pavement running is a form of self torture. And terrible for your knees.
I’m convinced anyone that runs more than a mile or two is a psychopath. It is the most mind numbingly boring activity on the face of the earth and the worst 30 minutes of my day.

It’s my me time. I readjust my attitude, get my mind right, have my best thoughts, and have the closest time with my Maker while running.
It’s my me time. I readjust my attitude, get my mind right, have my best thoughts, and have the closest time with my Maker while running.
I feel good (endorphins) after exercising. But with running it's always more.

I swear I heard this from my dad but when I have repeated it to him he says hes never heard it. "I would rather run from a bear than wrestle one"
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I am in Zion National park and did the Angels Landing hike Saturday. At age 55 I was definitely a senior citizen on that beast of a trail.Fun bucket list hike but don’t think I will do it again.

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