Do you Run?……Walk?….Bike?…..Swim?……..lift weights? What’s your workout plan?

1.7 in 15:40 this AM. I have a race this weekend so I wont be pushing too hard during the week
Injured my knees so bad at 16 and 20 that I was told the only solution was knee replacement. I am just 33 and I have lived with serious knee pain for more than half my life. It takes a toll.
Wow, what were you doing to result in so much knee damage?
Injured my knees so bad at 16 and 20 that I was told the only solution was knee replacement. I am just 33 and I have lived with serious knee pain for more than half my life. It takes a toll.
Don’t you love how a surgeons answer is always cutting you open
Wow, what were you doing to result in so much knee damage?
Tore an ACL and meniscus and damaged one of the other ligaments in one of my knees. Had surgery on the ACL and meniscus. That is now my "good knee".

I hyper extended the eff out of my right. Not quiet that Georgia running back bad, maybe Gurley, but it hurt worse than tearing the ACL. From what the X ray said I'd didnt tear anything, so there was nothing to "fix". This is the one that generally hurts every day no matter what, and can get white out bad on the pain scale if I am not careful. Thankfully I have learned most of the donts.

Before I got to running decently they would randomly give out sending me to the ground, so I have a cane I keep in my car. I guess I finally have the muscles strong enough to support because it hasnt happened in almost 2 years. I will still feel them be not quiet right so I will take the cane those days.

Doctor said he, nor any surgeon, would give me the knee replacements I needed at that age. So he offered me a life time prescription for some opioids. I said no thanks. There are some days I wish I had a stash to raid, but then I remember I liked them too much after surgery and i stay away.

The ACL I tore playing soccer trying not to run into a fence after making a play.

The hyper extension came at home carrying some rocks down the hill. I slipped/miss stepped/a rock gave out below me and trying to stop myself my lower leg stopped, the rest of me didnt. I had to crawl back into the house. Made it to the kitchen and had to wait for help laying on the floor. Early days of cell phones and my parents were atrocious at having theirs on.
Doctor said he, nor any surgeon, would give me the knee replacements I needed at that age...

Dang, son! :eek:

Time to go get a second (or third, or tenth) opinion on the surgery. Your condition is life-altering. Yes, the replacements will wear out in 20 or so years, and you'll need re-replacements, but why can't you have those 20 years of functioning knees?

Geeze, I thought that I had the only over-conservative orthopedic surgeon/ Knee Guy around. :mad: But he was willing to write you a script for opioids. :mad::mad:
Dang, son! :eek:

Time to go get a second (or third, or tenth) opinion on the surgery. Your condition is life-altering. Yes, the replacements will wear out in 20 or so years, and you'll need re-replacements, but why can't you have those 20 years of functioning knees?

Geeze, I thought that I had the only over-conservative orthopedic surgeon/ Knee Guy around. :mad: But he was willing to write you a script for opioids. :mad::mad:
We talked for an hour about my options. It's not like he was dismissive.

Because I had full range of motion I didnt really "need" it. And he said every time they do the surgery they have to shave down bone. And I would end up having at least 3 sets of them, and that was a lot of shaving.

He told me my best bet was to stay active and in shape. That would ward off the worsr of the arthritis, and with the muscle growth that would help stabilize the joint. As weird as it sounds it has played out that way. When I wasnt active my knees hurt badly all the time. Now that I am active I rarely lose sleep over the pain, and some days I only feel the pain if I think about it. Those "good days" used to be really far and between, but now that I am active it happens a decent bit.

It's weird when the pain is gone, I dont even notice it, but then half way through the day I will realize I am more cheerful/energetic and it takes me a while to figure out why. Relatively no knee pain.
We talked for an hour about my options. It's not like he was dismissive.

Because I had full range of motion I didnt really "need" it. And he said every time they do the surgery they have to shave down bone. And I would end up having at least 3 sets of them, and that was a lot of shaving.

He told me my best bet was to stay active and in shape. That would ward off the worsr of the arthritis, and with the muscle growth that would help stabilize the joint. As weird as it sounds it has played out that way. When I wasnt active my knees hurt badly all the time. Now that I am active I rarely lose sleep over the pain, and some days I only feel the pain if I think about it. Those "good days" used to be really far and between, but now that I am active it happens a decent bit.

It's weird when the pain is gone, I dont even notice it, but then half way through the day I will realize I am more cheerful/energetic and it takes me a while to figure out why. Relatively no knee pain.
I'll simmer down, then. :p I had forgotten about losing a bit of bone each time.

I have a partial knee replacement (medial), and I remember how amazing it was to just - not hurt. I'll probably need a total in 5-10 years (I'm 68.)
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Had a race this weekend. Another Mudding event. Thought it would be a 5k so I paced myself. Turned out to be a 2 mile, did it in 30 minutes.

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