Do you Run?……Walk?….Bike?…..Swim?……..lift weights? What’s your workout plan?

My heel and arch on my right foot are often tender after a run. if I wear good shoes all the time then it goes away in less than a day. If I don’t it can be miserable.
Yeah mine will go away eventually but flares up easily. I'm hoping as my weight goes down it goes away but who knows. I just don't want to permanently damage anything if I can help it.
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Any of you runners have any idea what this injury could be? My heel and arch of my left fool have pain that is generally triggered after I run or have a long walk/hike session. When I previous took a few weeks off for my shin splints, they healed up but this never fully went away.
Is it worse when you wake up? Have you tried a cock-up splint? (despite the “interesting” name, this is a brace that holds your foot in a right angle, toes pointing straight up toward the ceiling, rather than down away from you.) You can generally find one at Walgreens, etc.

Google “plantar fasciitis”. Your symptoms are similar, although you’ll probably need to get it checked out. But plantar fasciitis can be triggered by hard, repetitive strikes of your heel against the ground, inflaming the tissue (fascia) around your muscles at your heel. Could be something else entirely, of course, but you might want to start there.

In the meantime, try a lot of stretching of your ankle joint. Think pointing your toes to(ward) your nose. You’ll feel a calf and Achilles tendon stretch. Go gently.
Yeah mine will go away eventually but flares up easily. I'm hoping as my weight goes down it goes away but who knows. I just don't want to permanently damage anything if I can help it.
I had my issue looked at by the medical professionals.
I’m told that it is an “tendinitis” issue that will fare up from time to time but if I take care of it it’s not a big deal. That’s also where I was warned about the shoes.

Also…..and please forgive me for this as it really sucks but it also really helps …….do you cold plunge?
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I had my issue looked at by the medical professionals.
I’m told that it is an “tendinitis” issue that will fare up from time to time but if I take care of it it’s not a big deal. That’s also where I was warned about the shoes.

Also…..and please forgive me for this as it really sucks but it also really helps …….do you cold plunge?
O lol chit, no

I mean, I suppose if I were in a boat somewhere cold in the winter and it was windy and rough and the boat overturned… I would have no choice but to cold plunge.

But I have other was of stopping my heart; thanks.
Sounds like it's plantar fascitis. I have an ankle type brace I could try first but I could look into a stronger splint if that doesn't help.

I don't have anything like a cold plunge. I do put ice packs on it that help. Ibuprofen also seems to reduce the inflammation.
Sounds like it's plantar fascitis. I have an ankle type brace I could try first but I could look into a stronger splint if that doesn't help.

I don't have anything like a cold plunge. I do put ice packs on it that help. Ibuprofen also seems to reduce the inflammation.
Well, try the brace, IF it will keep your foot/ankle in an unmovable right ankle angle, and see if it helps any. And you have to sleep in it, which is a real PITA. You mainly need to keep your foot (toes) from pointing away, instead of up.

But unless it miraculously and completely clears up, you probably ought to get it looked at. But you can at least tell them if the brace/splint helped at all. Good luck!

Edit: ANGLE, iPhone; ANGLE. 🙄
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The worst thing I did was lift heavy when my kids were playing high school football. I’d lift with them. All my joint pain is likely associated with that. I’m on a body weight and yoga plan and have been for a couple years now. I wish I’d done this plan the entire time.

Would you mind listing your bodyweight/yoga exercise routine? My joints have also suffered from heavy lifting, specifically my elbows. My poor elbows can’t even handle swimming without a bit of pain.

I’ve started a stretching routine for myself, which includes a lot of very lightweight cable machines, lifting extremely slowly, especially on the eccentric/negative part of the lift. Single-arm overhead tricep cable pulls with really light weight, slow contractions, and full range of motion actually really helps relieve elbow pain for me. So that’s a start, but I would appreciate your input since I’m going through something similar. Thank you!
Any of you runners have any idea what this injury could be? My heel and arch of my left fool have pain that is generally triggered after I run or have a long walk/hike session. When I previous took a few weeks off for my shin splints, they healed up but this never fully went away.
I would highly recommend getting a shoe fitting at a reputable running store. It made all the difference in the world when I was running distance.
Would you mind listing your bodyweight/yoga exercise routine? My joints have also suffered from heavy lifting, specifically my elbows. My poor elbows can’t even handle swimming without a bit of pain.

I’ve started a stretching routine for myself, which includes a lot of very lightweight cable machines, lifting extremely slowly, especially on the eccentric/negative part of the lift. Single-arm overhead tricep cable pulls with really light weight, slow contractions, and full range of motion actually really helps relieve elbow pain for me. So that’s a start, but I would appreciate your input since I’m going through something similar. Thank you!
I have several apps I rotate between.
My workout rotation is
Day 1 run
Day 2 body weight
Day 3 yoga flow
Day 4 run
Day 5 body weight
Day 6 yoga flow
Day 7 Shabbat shalom.

Today I switched to body weight because of rain.
This was the app and routine IMG_9362.jpegIMG_9359.jpegIMG_9360.jpegIMG_9361.jpegI try to do 45 minutes so I also did Abs today
I’m 54 and have become almost pain free.
Hope that helps
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I had my issue looked at by the medical professionals.
I’m told that it is an “tendinitis” issue that will fare up from time to time but if I take care of it it’s not a big deal. That’s also where I was warned about the shoes.

Also…..and please forgive me for this as it really sucks but it also really helps …….do you cold plunge?
I just did my first cold plunge earlier today. I am very interested to see how my body responds. It was quite the shock but I did much better than I was expecting.
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I just did my first cold plunge earlier today. I am very interested to see how my body responds. It was quite the shock but I did much better than I was expecting.
It gets easier.
I hope your results match mine. I’m doing this for the rest of my life
It gets easier.
I hope your results match mine. I’m doing this for the rest of my life
I've tried it and it ranks just slightly above spending time in a sauna in my level of displeasure. I can't get used to that cold shock! Kind of sucks bc I have a great winter setup if I just heat the spa for a few minutes to warm up afterwards
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I am all for a sauna. The heat is much much easier for me to manage, but I also love 90+ degree rides/runs. They have infrared saunas there that I might look into as well. I hate the cold. I will suffer running in it, but once the temps get below the 60s I stop cycling.

I will say the first 30 sec were extremely uncomfortable. The place I did it at had a staff member in there to coach me through it. Aka remind me to take deep breaths. I know for a fact I wouldn't have sat in there for 3 min if they wouldn't have been there.
Speed and agility training twice a week, with 3 separate 1-mile runs. Ran 6 mph for the 1st three-tenths, then accelerated 1 mph every tenth of a mile. Held 13 mph as long as I could until 1.08 mile-mark.

Been on this for about a month and seeing faster 100m and 5-10-5 times.
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Ran my best race ever today. Half marathon. Aimed for a conservative 8:25 pace as I had a bad 10 mile race last month.

Came out the gates around a 8:21 pace. About three miles in felt good but didn’t go crazy. By about 5 miles in I felt like I could hang out closer to my previous PR pace of 8:11. At marker 10 I was at an 8:06 pace and I knew that unless I fell apart, a PR was very likely. Finished up at 8:04 pace with a great kick in the last quarter mile.

Really excited for my 30k in March and my first marathon in April.
View attachment 620690
View attachment 620691

Ran my best race ever today. Half marathon. Aimed for a conservative 8:25 pace as I had a bad 10 mile race last month.

Came out the gates around a 8:21 pace. About three miles in felt good but didn’t go crazy. By about 5 miles in I felt like I could hang out closer to my previous PR pace of 8:11. At marker 10 I was at an 8:06 pace and I knew that unless I fell apart, a PR was very likely. Finished up at 8:04 pace with a great kick in the last quarter mile.

Really excited for my 30k in March and my first marathon in April.
Anytime you can negative split like that you’re on the verge of big gains. Good for you. Really impressive
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