Dobbs didn't make it

Dobbs will transfer after he see's Riley In action! Sorry Nothing to do with Race,just Honesty.

lol. Of the two, Dobbs is the most logical redshirt because of his degree program which is typically a 5 year degree rather than the standard 4. There's also Fergy's anciness to consider. He's not been happy on the sideline whereas Dobbs has been involved with the other QBs. Fergy, OTOH, is off to himself. If I had to go with my instincts Fergy is the one most likely to transfer if Dobbs were to play over him. It has nothing to do with their skill at this moment as we just don't know how either will perform in a game but Fergy's restlessness is pretty clear. The fact that his dad gave a radio interview also makes it clear. He wants a shot right now.

I don't think he'll get it this game unless Worley and Peterman fall to pieces again. But if he does, I seriously doubt Dobbs will transfer.
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I really don't think its a race thing. I think it has more to do with Dobbs being crowned as the Second Coming when he committed. Everybody was talking about how he should start, how smart he was (which is 100% true) and so on. Now we see he hasnt seperated himself from the RF. Plus, look at the useless thread above this talking about for the millionth time how we missed out on Tahj Boyd. This coupled with probably around 70% of the UT players are black. Why would people care if a black person is at QB but not every other position on the field?
I want a black holder for placekicks.
RF may get left the next road trip. They take 3 qbs with them. Only 70 scholarship players are allowed to travel. Its his turn. Nothing more. Sorry to burst your bubble. Most likely we won't see a fr at qb until later in the year. Talk to me then. Worley is starting with Peterman backing up.

Maybe. But my point is still valid, Dobbs is the 4th string QB at this point in time.

Oh, and before you start assuming things, I'm not a "Dobbs hater". I'm just willing to admit that the coaches obviously trust Ferguson more, or they would of left him.
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Dude we have had a series of great black quarterbacks and we have had a series of great white quarterbacks. 99.9 per cent of all Vol fans just want the best option inserted and have the greatest respect for those that aren't starting. Fans naturally have their favorites and have a tendency to root against those competing against their favorites. I think what you are seeing is expected blowback from some who thought it was premature to assign Josh Dobbs the starting quarterback position before he hit town.

Perfect quarterback for this offense - I can think of two former Vols - who would be perfect - one white, one black - both gifted - wish we could see what Condridge or Heath would do running this offense.

Maybe Dobbs will become the next Holloway and maybe Ferguson will become the next Shuler. No one - including the coaches know at this point.

For the record, I don't care if our QB is white, black, red, yellow, green, or purple. All I want is for him to read defenses, execute plays, run, pass, hand off to the backs, and hang onto the ball when he gets hit. Winning wouldn't be too bad either.
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lol. Of the two, Dobbs is the most logical redshirt because of his degree program which is typically a 5 year degree rather than the standard 4. There's also Fergy's anciness to consider. He's not been happy on the sideline whereas Dobbs has been involved with the other QBs. Fergy, OTOH, is off to himself. If I had to go with my instincts Fergy is the one most likely to transfer if Dobbs were to play over him. It has nothing to do with their skill at this moment as we just don't know how either will perform in a game but Fergy's restlessness is pretty clear. The fact that his dad gave a radio interview also makes it clear. He wants a shot right now.

I don't think he'll get it this game unless Worley and Peterman fall to pieces again. But if he does, I seriously doubt Dobbs will transfer.
and Wrong. But good try Mrs Dobbs.
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I believe 70 is a SEC rule.

Yes, that is correct. There are different roster restrictions for each type game....Home, Non-conf....Home-Conf.... Away, Non-Conf.... Away, Conf.

You can have more players dress for non-conf than conference games. I'm not sure the #'s for the other 3 types, as I'm too lazy to do any of the research for it.
wow this has to be killing all the dobbs homo love fest posters.. thats all we heard all summer.. no white qb can run m throw only the genius black running true freshman

people r crazy n this shows why he is 4th string..

btw jk

Thanks for the jk disclaimer, but on a serious note, what is the need on this board to put 100% full faith in either Dobbs or Ferguson and thusly J Edgar Hoover the other...maybe both of these young men are potential saviors of the program...what is the rush to jettison one before that decision needs to be made? Personally I'll be bummed when the loser of this derby departs because they're both quality ballplayers and character individuals...let's be classy and positively support the process...'Mon Scros!!!
Posted via VolNation Mobile
lol. Of the two, dobbs is the most logical redshirt because of his degree program which is typically a 5 year degree rather than the standard 4. There's also fergy's anciness to consider. He's not been happy on the sideline whereas dobbs has been involved with the other qbs. Fergy, otoh, is off to himself. If i had to go with my instincts fergy is the one most likely to transfer if dobbs were to play over him. It has nothing to do with their skill at this moment as we just don't know how either will perform in a game but fergy's restlessness is pretty clear. The fact that his dad gave a radio interview also makes it clear. He wants a shot right now.

I don't think he'll get it this game unless worley and peterman fall to pieces again. But if he does, i seriously doubt dobbs will transfer.

You can't tell Fergy wants to play and right now? That's difficult for you to discern given what his dad said about Peyton and being the starter during his 3rd or 4th game?

Good thing no one else wants to play right now, huh?
wow this has to be killing all the dobbs homo love fest posters.. thats all we heard all summer.. no white qb can run m throw only the genius black running true freshman

people r crazy n this shows why he is 4th string..

btw jk

At first I thought you were a racist.

Then I saw you were just kidding.

Now I think you're a racist comedian.

btw jk
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Are you being intentionally stupid or are you just trying to argue for no reason?

Yea, that's it; there's no way it has anything to do with the fact that you think a player's desire to play would enter into a coach's decision.
he owns land in florida that could change everything
Worleys a smokescreen for when dobbs gets here trust me im a original dobbsinite
:eek:lol: Well go ahead give us the scoop since you're so on top of things. We're here to listen. :good!:
lol nah, I'll let you keep singing the dobbs praises until the right moment. But i damned sure wish I knew half of what you act like you know!
WOW is right. I can't believe I just watched all of it. No wonder he gave our 1st team defense fits when he impersonated Oregon's QB. Dobbs may be soft-spoken but he definitely commanded his team there. 'Athletic' may be an understatement. If he can do that at the college level consistently then yes, please!

One thing I noticed watching the AP game that was interesting... when they showed Worley on the sidelines after a touchdown Peterman and Dobbs were right there talking with him and all three were interacting. Dobbs was talking and laughing with them like he'd known everyone for ages. Ferguson didn't really interact but it's not like they showed the sideline all game either so I wouldn't read much into his behavior. But I think it may be safe to say that Dobbs may be soft spoken when he meets people or the press for the first time but it looks like he's very outgoing with his teammates.

TBH, I like Dobbs a lot but I also like what I've heard and seen about Ferguson. They both are solid freshman with different skillsets. If we're going to play one over Worley or Peterman then my biggest question is which one is ready? Dobbs has a slight time advantage over Ferguson but has that been erased by now? Do they know the playbook well enough? Will they crack under pressure?

I wish we could play them both just to see and then get to decide. Ultimately though, whoever plays among our 4 QBs I'm behind them.
You sure is a Dobbs fanatic

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