Donald J. Trump - Worst President in Modern History

Heh. It's fresh for sure, but he definitely will be in contention. We had a few total sh*tbags back in the days, but I think Donald's negative legacy will only grow -when and if - the 58% of Republicans that STILL think the election was rigged finally come to their senses.

Trump is a cult of personality, and many bought into it hook, line and sinker. Just like Jim Jones in Guyana, they're willing to drink the Kool Aid as instructed. Hopefully over time, they'll come to realize it was all just a huge grift.
Trump is that unique combination of utter incompetence, lack of interest in doing the job, and batsh*t craziness.
He effectively quit doing his duties the day after the election. Spoiled brat.
He wanted to win the race for the presidency. He wanted his ticker tape parade where he'd be showered with MAGA love. And then he wanted to campaign for that adoration again. He never showed any interest in doing the actual job.
With Trump's 2nd impeachment stemming from his incitement of the Capitol Insurrection of 2021, it's unequivocally official that he is the WORST PRESIDENT IN MODERN HISTORY dating back to the Andrew Johnson debacle of 1865.

For those of you who voted for him, well, the blame is on your shoulders. I get it, the alternative was crap in HRC. But, you have to admit, Trump was a disaster.

Still defending him? If so, man, you got issues a mile high.

At any rate, can't tell you how EXCITED I am to watch this reality TV show get cancelled next week.

The walk of shame by Dumb Donald shall be epic.

Thank God our national disaster of a President is over.
Can’t wait to see who you and others switch their hate to now that he’s on his way out. Just can’t wait. In the meantime, go ahead and get your kneepads on for Biden and Kamala. I hear CNN is selling them on their site for cheap!
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Can’t wait to see who you and others switch their hate to now that he’s on his way out. Just can’t wait. In the meantime, go ahead and get your kneepads on for Biden and Kamala. I hear CNN is selling them on their site for cheap!
There will be no end to their hate of Trump trust me. They will continue to silence us who voted for him and maybe even worse
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He wanted to win the race for the presidency. He wanted his ticker tape parade where he'd be showered with MAGA love. And then he wanted to campaign for that adoration again. He never showed any interest in doing the actual job.
Pelosi, THT and the garbage media pretty much prevented him from doing anything
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Can’t wait to see who you and others switch their hate to now that he’s on his way out. Just can’t wait. In the meantime, go ahead and get your kneepads on for Biden and Kamala. I hear CNN is selling them on their site for cheap!

Just remember, Joe Biden is *your* President.
Joe is a geriatric old politician as crooked as they get. Yes I agree. gotta be one of the first on here. Too bad they dont give stars any more....You would be a 17 Star General. Patton would blush
He got his family rich by using his position in government.

His children have made lots of money. This is true. But how did they use Joe's position. I thought they got their positions because of their superior intellect and vast experience. You telling me this is not true?
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Reactions: GSD82 gotta be one of the first on here. Too bad they dont give stars any more....You would be a 17 Star General. Patton would blush
Oh, he’s “your” President too? Your party didn’t even want him as their representative. Congrats!!
WTF u talkin bout cowboy?
You flirting w me? The pet names are a little creepy.
look it up, your blind hatred for Trump apparently has erased your memory. Not unlike what your party wants to do to all US history. Congrats, you got what you wanted!!
You flirting w me? The pet names are a little creepy.
look it up, your blind hatred for Trump apparently has erased your memory. Not unlike what your party wants to do to all US history. Congrats, you got what you wanted!!

You need to check my post history..Dang funny post about your longevity and ASSUMPTIONS.
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He accomplished a lot seeing he had 100% commie dems against him, some R resistance and 95% of the media lying and against him from the start.
Poor Donnie was still able to exchange love letters with despots despite journalists calling out his constant lies... what a guy.

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