The Impeachment Thread

Meanwhile Biden extorts Ukraine and you are comfortable with that....

Run along Coug. I like you better in the FF.

Biden's son was legitimately working for a Ukrainian oil company, period. Everything was above board. None of that really matters though when you have a president who is so afraid of losing to Biden that he attempts to strong arm Ukraine into digging up information that doesn't exist. How does that not bother you that Trump is soliciting another country to get involved with our election process? Do you think that's ok?
Rudy has seriously lost his ******* mind... again, this is the President's attorney speaking here...

"Giuliani said he has not heard from any of the three House committees investigating whether Trump acted improperly in his communications with the Ukrainians. Asked if he was concerned he would be subpoenaed by the House, Giuliani laughed.

"I consider them a joke. A sad joke. They have no legitimacy. I would think of challenging their subpoena on the grounds that they're not a legitimate committee," Giuliani said."

I have a feeling Rudy's gonna end up doing time when this is all said and done.
Trump's last fixer is in jail. Rudy is so far gone, there is no way he could get a plea deal. can't trust a word out of his mouth.
White House restricted access to Trump's calls with Putin and Saudi crown prince

This is what may truly sink Trump. Congress will eventually get these recordings. Bet you bottom dollar they are worse than the Ukraine tape.
Is Manafort sitting in jail saying "MAGA" or "I really F***ed up?

My guess is he’s saying “damn that was fun while it lasted I was wondering how long I’d get away with being a white collar criminal .”
White House restricted access to Trump's calls with Putin and Saudi crown prince

This is what may truly sink Trump. Congress will eventually get these recordings. Bet you bottom dollar they are worse than the Ukraine tape.

Lol. It’s called DESPERATION.
The special envoy to Ukraine, who set up Rudy meetings, has resigned.

I am sure that is blessed news to team Trump. .... Rudy.... get a lawyer.
So far I've seen the following "defenses":

(1) YGHN
(2) Come on dude, it was just a promise. How bad could it be?
(3) Donny has the right to make promises of any type imaginable.
(4) FAKE NEWS!!!!!
(5) But Obama!!!!!!!

Still waiting to see the joking defense, but I'm sure it's coming.

I’m going with option 4: Fake News
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