The Impeachment Thread

To be fair, social media is much different now than in 2008. Hence the lack of spread of images of Obama effigies being burned alive and hung from a noose.

She probably knew. She wouldn't launch this inquiry with just a transcript. She knew there was more.

President Obama's election victories were not tainted by foreign influence. Hence no talk of immediate impeachment.

Pelois has stonewalled the party before and got them in line. I don't think this narrative of "out of control" democrats has any merit. There is more going on than we know. She wouldn't let this inquiry go through otherwise.
LOL that's a new one. You realize he was President until Jan 2017? There aren't that many because it was very rare
Looking more like they are needing to impeach to stop the Trump team from investigating the left’s corruption in 2016 election.

Barr and Durham are going to expose this.

I think it is becoming clear why Obama didn’t want Biden to run.

The backfire is going to be glorious.

They don't care, remember - they've lapped up his assertion that the only source for truth is the White House. The media, our allies and even the intelligence community were necessary to undermine in order for him to remain the sole arbiter of "truth". They bought it, and despite being shown time and time again that they've been had - they go back for more.

Anyone with a lick of common sense should look at that headline in disbelief, yet he's trained them to cheer. It's breathtaking - if these were the actions of a man with a (D) behind his name, they'd be rioting.
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Looking more like they are needing to impeach to stop the Trump team from investigating the left’s corruption in 2016 election.

Barr and Durham are going to expose this.

I think it is becoming clear why Obama didn’t want Biden to run.

The backfire is going to be glorious.
Yeah especially since Joe already implicated Obama in the Quid Pro Quo...his legacy will end up being tarnished because ole Joe can't keep his mouth shut Why Barack Obama refused to endorse Joe Biden is revealed in new book | Daily Mail Online
If the author of the original tweet just wanted to say big "fracture", he would have said "big fracture" or "acrimonious fracture". Instead, he opted for the words "Civil War" like fracture. The obvious implication and intent is that Trump's retweet is both his approval of the tweet, and he's trying to rally his base - largely Southern folks - and threatening that a new civil war will result if he's impeached. This ain't rocket science. It's obvious and implicit to anyone and everyone with any common sense.

It's about as subtle as Rep. King's meme.

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You’re reading way too much into it. I think he was simply stating the level of discourse an impeachment will bring.
They don't care, remember - they've lapped up his assertion that the only source for truth is the White House. The media, our allies and even the intelligence community were necessary to undermine in order for him to remain the sole arbiter of "truth". They bought it, and despite being shown time and time again that they've been had - they go back for more.

Anyone with a lick of common sense should look at that headline in disbelief, yet he's trained them to cheer. It's breathtaking - if these were the actions of a man with a (D) behind his name, they'd be rioting.
Remember Trump screeching that the Obama Admin used the IC of a foreign government to "spy" on him. Good times.
Good, the top echelons of our intelligence agencies have been corrupt for decades.

Hypothetically, let's assume that's true. Do you really think Trump gives a rat's ass about corruption? I think he wants corruption, just corruption that favors him. He'll take that over fairness and the rule of law any day of the week. And he'll certainly cast the rule of law as being biased against him.

So don't try to cast him as a crusader against corruption. He's not and you know that's true.
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Remember Trump screeching that the Obama Admin used the IC of a foreign government to "spy" on him. Good times.
You serious? Asking the countries to admit what spying they did is not asking them to spy on American citizens. You've lost it.
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Hypothetically, let's assume that's true. Do you really think Trump gives a rat's ass about corruption? I think he wants corruption, just corruption that favors him. He'll take that over fairness and the rule of law any day of the week. And he'll certainly cast the rule of law as being biased against him.

So don't try to cast him as a crusader against corruption. He's not and you know that's true.
I have to imagine that if Trump were asked what process is in place to report suspected corruption in his administration, he'd say that it should be reported to him. I'm sure this would make total sense to those who see him as a champion of weeding out corruption and the model of transparency.
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Hypothetically, let's assume that's true. Do you really think Trump gives a rat's ass about corruption? I think he wants corruption, just corruption that favors him. He'll take that over fairness and the rule of law any day of the week. And he'll certainly cast the rule of law as being biased against him.

So don't try to cast him as a crusader against corruption. He's not and you know that's true.

He is a crusader against corruption in the same way that the Genovese mafia were crusaders against organized crime. If another family got in their way, they were certainly a more effective curb on that criminal enterprise than law enforcement.

Unfortunately, in both cases the amount of bad behavior doesn't decrease. It just consolidates under a single entity.

Trump doesn't want corruption to go away, he wants to monopolize it for his purposes.
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Hypothetically, let's assume that's true. Do you really think Trump gives a rat's ass about corruption? I think he wants corruption, just corruption that favors him. He'll take that over fairness and the rule of law any day of the week. And he'll certainly cast the rule of law as being biased against him.

So don't try to cast him as a crusader against corruption. He's not and you know that's true.

No I don’t think Trump is a crusader for truth and justice. Not in any form or fashion.

I think he’s on payback mode for all of the crap he has had to deal with due to the top echelons of our ICs criminal complicity with the previous administration.
You’re reading way too much into it. I think he was simply stating the level of discourse an impeachment will bring.

Is there a level past this where there can be more discourse? I just saw a picture of two red-hats wearing shirts that said they'd be prouder to be russians than democrats.

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