The Impeachment Thread

There is a part of that song "Getting so much better" that sticks in my mind and reminds me of you. I haven't heard the song in years, but it says something like: "Me used to be angry young man, me hiding me head in the sand". I guess that is why you keep posting it, as it is as an autobiographical piece.

"I've got to admit it's getting better, a little better all the time!"
So...….you just called him a name. What does that make you?
I was being kind, there are far more accurate descriptors I could have used but they are not appropriate for a message board.
But is is nice to see that you are now concerned about this type of language, of course, you are only concerned about it when it is directed at Trump. Go figure.
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I was being kind, there are far more accurate descriptors I could have used but they not appropriate for a message board.
But is is nice to see that you are now concerned about this type of language, of course, you are only concerned about it when it is directed at Trump. Go figure.
Actually I don't care either way. I am merely pointing out that you are the pot calling the kettle black. You have become Trump.
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So, one of his Navy Intelligence buddies believes that making the whistleblower's name public was the patriotic thing to do?
When the Whistleblower becomes public u will see he's no Patriot. He was a partisan Obama holdover who everyone close to Trump accused of leaking but Trump trusted McMaster too much
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When the Whistleblower becomes public u will see he's no Patriot. He was a partisan Obama holdover who everyone close to Trump accused of leaking but Trump trusted McMaster too much

I have no doubt you will find someone who believes that, and will share it.
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No it’s not , if it was about right you would have Adam Schiff lying and ruining any credit that’s left , that just solidified people . If you are doing it for the right of it then you don’t try to con people . Do what’s right and let the chips fall where they will . This is about power and an election outcome . There isn’t an end justifying the means if you are claiming you are doing it for the right reasons. They all have a twisted ideology of right and wrong ... power does that. I believe there’s even a saying about it .
It is about right and wrong on some level. We can just agree to disagree.
Had it been anyone but Trump, this wouldn't be happening. That should be the big clue.
It is about right and wrong on some level. We can just agree to disagree.
Had it been anyone but Trump, this wouldn't be happening. That should be the big clue.

That would work if at some point during his term it was so bad that party decided something should be done , the reason it’s so hard to convince people now is because the dems started this before he was elected and hasn’t stopped trying yet . People just see it as another day you are trying to “ get Trump “ . The left ran through all its believability way before any serious talk of impeachment with the 24/7 Trump bad angle .
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That would work if at some point during his term it was so bad that party decided something should be done , the reason it’s so hard to convince people now is because the dems started this before he was elected and hasn’t stopped trying yet . People just see it as another day you are trying to “ get Trump “ . The left ran through all its believability way before any serious talk of impeachment with the 24/7 Trump bad angle .
The right should have decided that long ago.
Of course people have been trying to get Trump since before day one. That wouldn't have been true of any of the other 17 candidates. Again, that fact alone should be screaming something important. The unwillingness to hear is bizarre.

The identity of the whistleblower is entirely academic now, except as to identifying witnesses and documents which establish what happened. As pointed out countless times by Trump and his nuthuggers like yourself, the whistleblower has very little, if any, first hand knowledge. Its the people that described to him what was going on that matter.

Let's hear form them. For example, let's hear form the four senior intelligence people, including political appointees, who went to NSC counsel and expressed their worries and objections to what Trump was doing.
The identity of the whistleblower is entirely academic now, except as to identifying witnesses and documents which establish what happened. As pointed out countless times by Trump and his nuthuggers like yourself, the whistleblower has very little, if any, first hand knowledge. Its the people that described to him what was going on that matter.

Let's hear form them. For example, let's hear form the four senior intelligence people, including political appointees, who went to NSC counsel and expressed their worries and objections to what Trump was doing.

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