The Impeachment Thread

Probably so... Rudy reminds me of the tightey whitey guy that Neidermeyer was paddling in Animal House: "Thank you, sir! May I have another?" Republicans bowing to Trump have no self respect. It is pathetic.
Do we really want to set this precedent? He says everyone lies but him. Sondland (for example) was a great man until he changed his testimony and now he doesn't know him. He is also trying to out the whistle blower, who has been corroborated many times by other testimony and his own words.

Trump must think Republicans are so stupid, they will believe everything he says. Or maybe he thinks his party is so corrupt, they will just go along with whatever he does. It's insulting.
At what point do they realize that they are just not good at this? Say what you want to about either side. But the left has been maneuvering half cocked for 3 years.

A basic principle is you don’t ask questions that you don’t know the answer to. The entire Mueller deal/Russia collusion they monkey humped for years went completely against this principle.

I really do not think their folks at the top are very sharp. Both sides have their own idiots. But my gosh the left push their idiots to the very front row.

Define "good at this".



Giving him a codename is very sinister, he's clearly the devil. Too bad everything he's blown the whistle on has been corroborated by almost everyone, up to and including trumps chief of staff.

I mean, if using "charlie" as the boogeyman punching bag makes you feel better, have at it but the whistleblower himself is irrelevant at this point.
No that was Page and Strzok's name for him because they were getting him mixed up with another Eric
Do we really want to set this precedent? He says everyone lies but him. Sondland (for example) was a great man until he changed his testimony and now he doesn't know him. He is also trying to out the whistle blower, who has been corroborated many times by other testimony and his own words.

Trump must think Republicans are so stupid, they will believe everything he says. Or maybe he thinks his party is so corrupt, they will just go along with whatever he does. It's insulting.

No, I think he thinks his supporters are gullible and easily manipulated by being told what to think so they don't have to worry about anything but hating libtards.
You have know idea what really went down. Nobody does.
Which is why nothing will happen. The monkeys will throw poo at each other until the next election and then a new cycle will start on something else. Meanwhile, nothing in DC gets done.
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Which is why nothing will happen. The monkeys will throw poo at each other until the next election and then a new cycle will start on something else. Meanwhile, nothing in DC gets done.
Yep including a great trade deal that everyone agrees is an improvement over NAFTA...but Pelosi would rather spend 3 months on a 30 minute phone call
Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
Sounds like an OJ book except probably really made up.

I hear what you're saying, except it's probably not made up. Given trumps erratic behavior in front of cameras, nothing he's done would lead any rational person to believe he's governing less spastically behind closed doors.

It all fits. Don't worry man, I wouldn't expect his supporters to acknowledge it - it'd mean having to come to terms with years of blind loyalty to a toddler with ADHD. We'll know that ain't going to happen.
Do we really want to set this precedent? He says everyone lies but him. Sondland (for example) was a great man until he changed his testimony and now he doesn't know him. He is also trying to out the whistle blower, who has been corroborated many times by other testimony and his own words.

Trump must think Republicans are so stupid, they will believe everything he says. Or maybe he thinks his party is so corrupt, they will just go along with whatever he does. It's insulting.
Donald Trump has exploited a polarized time in American politics. Neither side of the aisle would have tolerated non-compliance with Congressional subpoenas in 1998, when Bill Clinton was facing impeachment from the Republican-controlled House of Representatives. This obstruction is the worst precedent that the Trump administration has established for future administrations. There will come a time when there will be a President from the Democratic Party, with a Republican-controlled House. The Democrat won't comply with any subpoenas from the House either, and the Republicans who have supported Trump's defiance, will not have a leg to stand on if they complain. Trump has made government oversight and our system of checks and balances much tougher going forward.
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I hear what you're saying, except it's probably not made up. Given trumps erratic behavior in front of cameras, nothing he's done would lead any rational person to believe he's governing less spastically behind closed doors.

It all fits. Don't worry man, I wouldn't expect his supporters to acknowledge it - it'd mean having to come to terms with years of blind loyalty to a toddler with ADHD. We'll know that ain't going to happen.

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Trump could easily beat this. All he has to do is say this:

"At the time I really did not think there was anything really that wrong with my request of the Ukraine. But I've been listening to folks since then and I have to say, in retrospect I just made a mistake. I regret it and would like to turn my attention to working with the Congress on critical every day problems, such as trade, infrastructure and immigration reform. I have invited Speaker Pelosi to the White House so that I can personally apologize about the Ukraine matter and to lay out areas of possible agreement on these other issues."

He'd knock 20 points off support for impeachment and put her on the defensive.
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