The Impeachment Thread

Per the Constitution, it has to be tried, if there is an impeachment in the House of Representatives. However, it will be a very short trial with few witnesses called by Senate Republicans... and then there will be an acquittal.

There are some decent republicans in the Senate, can you imagine how painful it will be for some of them to have to swallow their personal dignity and fall into line?
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There are some decent republicans in the Senate, can you imagine how painful it will be for some of them to have to swallow their personal dignity and fall into line?
I don't think that is a long list. We are in a very polarized time. As one example, I don't think Lamar Alexander likes Donald Trump, or wants to waste one breath publicly defending him... but he will have no problem voting for an acquittal. I think that is probably typical of most Republican Senators.

Giving him a codename is very sinister, he's clearly the devil. Too bad everything he's blown the whistle on has been corroborated by almost everyone, up to and including trumps chief of staff.

I mean, if using "charlie" as the boogeyman punching bag makes you feel better, have at it but the whistleblower himself is irrelevant at this point.
Those public hearings will leave Trump no choice but to throw Rudy Giuliani under the bus and pretend that this shadow foreign policy he was implementing, was just Rudy going rogue.

I wonder if he'll fall on the sword or jam his thumb in Donny's eye. Rudy is a sycophantic weasel, I think he falls on the sword.
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Giving him a codename is very sinister, he's clearly the devil. Too bad everything he's blown the whistle on has been corroborated by almost everyone, up to and including trumps chief of staff.

I mean, if using "charlie" as the boogeyman punching bag makes you feel better, have at it but the whistleblower himself is irrelevant at this point.

Still getting your talking points this morning from ......Morning Joe w/Minka......MSNBC style.....good job sheep.
Thanks for the update on the loony BS can go back to your little corner now.
Still getting your talking points this morning from ......Morning Joe/Minka......MSNBC style.....good job sheep.
Thanks for the update on the loony BS can go back to your little corner now.

Why would you think that, do you require television to explain what is common sense to most?

Your attempts at baiting me with your cheesy insults aren't working dude, you're embarrassing yourself to all but the lowest common denominator. Do yourself a favor and pump the brakes on the low brow slights.
I don't agree at all. My mother and father lived to be in their 90's and were sharp as a tack. I have even more worthless things stuck in my brain at age 69 than ever. I remember pretty much everything that ever happened to me, when it happened, what I was wearing as it happened , and what the weather was that day.
I bet that you are awesome at the game "Clue".

I wonder if he'll fall on the sword or jam his thumb in Donny's eye. Rudy is a sycophantic weasel, I think he falls on the sword.
Probably so... Rudy reminds me of the tightey whitey guy that Neidermeyer was paddling in Animal House: "Thank you, sir! May I have another?" Republicans bowing to Trump have no self respect. It is pathetic.
The Wrap Up Smear is in full play between the DIMs and the FAKE News Media. Not going to work. The truth is coming out.
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At what point do they realize that they are just not good at this? Say what you want to about either side. But the left has been maneuvering half cocked for 3 years.

A basic principle is you don’t ask questions that you don’t know the answer to. The entire Mueller deal/Russia collusion they monkey humped for years went completely against this principle.

I really do not think their folks at the top are very sharp. Both sides have their own idiots. But my gosh the left push their idiots to the very front row.
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Commander Piss Test has the IQ of a grasshopper so he has no idea what he is talking about.

LOL, I had to read up on this Jack Posobiec having only seen his tweets posted by the trump nut huggers. My goodness, the internet is not kind to him - this guy has less credibility than Jacob Wohl... I'll have to check the math but I didn't even know anyone could be less credible than him.

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