The Impeachment Thread

If you continue in the delusion that this is about being a sore loser, you will never be able to process the reality.
That's the main reason, you all were sold from your radical media hill was going to get 400 electoral votes and she was the most qualified person to ever run. Second, unlike McCain, Romney or Bush when you all trash President Trump he fights back and the antifa left isn't used to that. You all are used to being able to say anything you want about a R President or candidate and them just take it
You are projecting your own needs on to other people. I don't need talking points to know how to think. I can see bribery for what it is.
You all never said bribery until the last day or so, before that it was quid pro quo. Either way you all are being good little antifa socialists and repeating the DNC talking points.
Vindman testimony
Q: You were listening in real time to this call along w/ Pres Zelensky when Pres Trump was speaking?
V: Correct.
Q: There was no doubt in your mind as to what our Pres was asking for as a deliverable?
V: There was no doubt.

LOL.........yeah, ok. You're free to go now and thanks for the opinion.
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Do you understand that this whole thing started with Trump and Giuliani trying to prove a conspiracy theory involving the Ukraine?

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Deep down you know. Won’t admit it. But you know.

I mean, I provided evidence that maybe it is working. I don't really need to admit anything, one of us is speculating, deep down - you know.

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