The Impeachment Thread

Trump could easily beat this. All he has to do is say this:

"At the time I really did not think there was anything really that wrong with my request of the Ukraine. But I've been listening to folks since then and I have to say, in retrospect I just made a mistake. I regret it and would like to turn my attention to working with the Congress on critical every day problems, such as trade, infrastructure and immigration reform. I have invited Speaker Pelosi to the White House so that I can personally apologize about the Ukraine matter and to lay out areas of possible agreement on these other issues."

He'd knock 20 points off support for impeachment and put her on the defensive.
If Nixon had said something similar in November of 1973, would it have saved him? No. Trump is too invested in his defense to reverse course. He has insisted that he did nothing inappropriate and that there was no quid-pro-quo offer made. That is the horse he will have to ride.
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LOL, I had to read up on this Jack Posobiec having only seen his tweets posted by the trump nut huggers. My goodness, the internet is not kind to him - this guy has less credibility than Jacob Wohl... I'll have to check the math but I didn't even know anyone could be less credible than him.

The Navy hates him so much.
They’re all horrendously despicable candidates.


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Vindman testimony
Q: You were listening in real time to this call along w/ Pres Zelensky when Pres Trump was speaking?
V: Correct.
Q: There was no doubt in your mind as to what our Pres was asking for as a deliverable?
V: There was no doubt.
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Trump could easily beat this. All he has to do is say this:

"At the time I really did not think there was anything really that wrong with my request of the Ukraine. But I've been listening to folks since then and I have to say, in retrospect I just made a mistake. I regret it and would like to turn my attention to working with the Congress on critical every day problems, such as trade, infrastructure and immigration reform. I have invited Speaker Pelosi to the White House so that I can personally apologize about the Ukraine matter and to lay out areas of possible agreement on these other issues."

He'd knock 20 points off support for impeachment and put her on the defensive.

That will never happen but would be fun to watch the fallout .
Fiona Hill testifies that she confronted Gordon Sondland about who gave him the authority to take charge of Ukrainian affairs, and he said "the President."

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Never played it. Is that the one with little murder weapons?
Yeah, you have to remember a bunch of suspects, murder weapons, different rooms and so on to find the killer through clues, how they did it and where.
If you think you know the answer and you pick wrong, you lose.

Its kinda like the game we are witnessing with the Democrats. They keep announcing they have it....then they find out they don't have it....then they keep losing.

Same game really. Its pretty fun for kids. :cool:
Yeah, right. Do you have any idea what Obama did to the US when he let Russia take over Crimea without so much as a threat of retaliation? Russia spanked his ass and we sat back and watched as our president cowered down in fear.
Let Lawgator run with his conspiracy theories.....its all he has.
Very legal, very cool. So glad we finally got some good Christian men running the ship now. The heretical lawlessness of Barack HUSSEIN Obama was just too much.

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So if Rudy is a live hand grenade and Trump throws him under the bus (which he will likely do), does that make Trump a terrorist?

3 straight years of sorry ass worthless dems trying to make s**t up for impeachment because you all are sore losers.
Bribery is specifically enumerated in the constitution as a ground for impeachment. Trump's action fit the crime of bribery. This is not hard, but it may be hard to contemplate if your head is in the sand.
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