Don't Mix Business and Politics

I think when you hold office you are a public figure and when you break the rules that you are putting on other people you deserve to be called out for it in a public fashion. If it were a conservative, I would feel 100% the same way. I detest politicians that think they are passing laws and advancing ideals that only apply to the "peasants".

As to whether it had an effect on her business closure, I don't know. It being in San Fran, the liberal capitol of the US, makes me believe it probably did contribute some. However in the long term it may help her if she leaves to open somewhere less liberal.

I regards to her "whining" about it now, someone once stated that there was no such thing as bad publicity. I guess we'll see how it ultimately plays out.

(Note: I don't really follow this lady so she may have moved and set up shop somewhere else.)
You have a point to some extent but I'll let somebody else take up that cross. I'd rather run my business, provide for myself and my family, and keep my employees employed rather than go after politicians for typical political bs. If there some kind of real crime or harm involved I might have a different position.
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Knew that it had to be based in part on Cali's GDP which comes from its sheer size. Look at the "Economic Health column". You can literally make this study say anything you want for California's economy.

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It is shocking that EL totally missed Idaho having economic health of 1 and Cali at 42 and still cannot realize what this means and see the writing on the wall.
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This is based on GDP.

This number is shrinking daily and will continue to shrink as businesses bail.

I believe in actual growth Nashville had the best economy in 2021 which is clearly not in Cali.
And Nashville, like nearly every other expanding metro area, voted solidly Dem. 65% for Biden.
And Nashville, like nearly every other expanding metro area, voted solidly Dem. 65% for Biden.

It is fueled by TN laws and you know it.

You also, being the hack you are, posted a story by Matthew winkler. The same winkler who buried a Chinese story in 2013 due to fear of backlash from the Chinese communist party….his actual words, not mine.

What you fail to realize it that California is a sinking ship with every major business looking for options out. They have lost countless major businesses in the past 5 years and it’s ramping up faster now.

The tech companies are bailing out at the speed of light.

When you make the stance you do that Cali Is doing great you lose all substance and respect by everyone.

The article you posted literally said their health was 8th from the bottom which means they are in dire trouble long term.

Stop being a hack. It is damn annoying.
You have a point to some extent but I'll let somebody else take up that cross. I'd rather run my business, provide for myself and my family, and keep my employees employed rather than go after politicians for typical political bs. If there some kind of real crime or harm involved I might have a different position.

I agree on a large scale. I do not get political with my customers as it’s just not wise but we live in a time when the billionaires are heavily involved and basically telling us how to live. If we keep quiet we will get run over.

It’s tough though on knowing where to draw the line.
It is fueled by TN laws and you know it.

You also, being the hack you are, posted a story by Matthew winkler. The same winkler who buried a Chinese story in 2013 due to fear of backlash from the Chinese communist party….his actual words, not mine.

What you fail to realize it that California is a sinking ship with every major business looking for options out. They have lost countless major businesses in the past 5 years and it’s ramping up faster now.

The tech companies are bailing out at the speed of light.

When you make the stance you do that Cali Is doing great you lose all substance and respect by everyone.

The article you posted literally said their health was 8th from the bottom which means they are in dire trouble long term.

Stop being a hack. It is damn annoying.

And yet their GDP continues to rise.
Didn't the article say it was looking at change in GDP, not absolute GDP. I took that to mean they were looking at the percentage change upward in states' GDPs. Thus, the absolute size of California's GDP wouldn't matter. Don't know what "economic health" refers to, but I'm guessing it has to do with a state's liabilities. God knows CALPERS has some sweet pensions. But you can't say that because California has a lot of liabilities they have a bad economy, especially when they rank so highly on other metrics. It'd be like saying some of Alabama's past National Championship teams were bad because they didn't have a dominant QB.
You didn’t read the damn article. Your problem is more basic 🤡
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And yet their GDP continues to rise.

California lost an electoral vote.

That is the canary in the coal mine, right there.

Their state was for multiple decades the leader in the US for multiple sectors. The issue is not where Cali is now. It’s where Cali is headed.

Of the 6 largest tech companies one just left and 2 others are thinking about it openly.

They lost Nissan. They lost Mitsubishi.

The list of outgoing/vs incoming is what matters is why they are at 42 in the health index.

The high cost of living and high taxes is the only reason people are leaving there. I would move to California in a heart beat if I wouldn’t get taxed at like 70 percent and have to pay 8 million for the exact same home I have now.

California is in long term trouble and there will be a tipping point unless something changes…..I just don’t know when it will occur.

Lastly, GDP for a state is not driven by the mom and pop businesses which are leaving at an even fast rate…it’s driven by players in the s&p 500 and it only takes a handful of those to leave and your state is in major trouble.
I boycott WalMart not because of their politics, but just because I hate the place. I hate the dregs of humanity that shop there and I hate the store itself. But if they have some bad politics that I can use to justify my boycott, I would fell a whole lot better about myself.
I’m the exact same way. I don’t like the store because they sell cheap s***ty products, the store is a dump inside, the parking lot is a zoo, and yes, call me a snob, but the people in there are gross.
California lost an electoral vote.

That is the canary in the coal mine, right there.

Their state was for multiple decades the leader in the US for multiple sectors. The issue is not where Cali is now. It’s where Cali is headed.

Of the 6 largest tech companies one just left and 2 others are thinking about it openly.

They lost Nissan. They lost Mitsubishi.

The list of outgoing/vs incoming is what matters is why they are at 42 in the health index.

The high cost of living and high taxes is the only reason people are leaving there. I would move to California in a heart beat if I wouldn’t get taxed at like 70 percent and have to pay 8 million for the exact same home I have now.

California is in long term trouble and there will be a tipping point unless something changes…..I just don’t know when it will occur.

Lastly, GDP for a state is not driven by the mom and pop businesses which are leaving at an even fast rate…it’s driven by players in the s&p 500 and it only takes a handful of those to leave and your state is in major trouble.

And despite all of that their GDP continues to rise.
I’m the exact same way. I don’t like the store because they sell cheap s***ty products, the store is a dump inside, the parking lot is a zoo, and yes, call me a snob, but the people in there are gross.

I dread it on the rare occasions when I go there. The lone exception is my charity for kids at Christmas utilizes WalMart because when you are shopping for 200 kids it is the easiest place.
Politics and business have been ever increasingly mixed over the last decade. No indications is going to reverse.
And despite all of that their GDP continues to rise.

Do you understand why it rose?

It rose because the business there such as Apple are growing globally which dragged the state GDP along with it.

It is not grow because the state is getting new business or getting an influx of new skilled labor.
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Politics and business have been ever increasingly mixed over the last decade. No indications is going to reverse.
Why do you suppose that is? There definitely has been a cultural shift, but I'm curious about the reasons why. "Don't discuss politics or religion" used to be a phrase uttered so much it was a cliche.

I think social media definitely has something to do with it, but I am hesitant to ascribe all or most of the reason to social media alone.
I dread it on the rare occasions when I go there. The lone exception is my charity for kids at Christmas utilizes WalMart because when you are shopping for 200 kids it is the easiest place.
You can get more for your money which directly benefits the families in your charity.
You can get more for your money which directly benefits the families in your charity.

Honestly, it is the only time I enjoy going in WalMart. I take about 5-10 friends and we fill up shopping carts. It is my favorite thing to do. Well that and delivery the gifts to the local schools. It is an absolute blast. I never realized how much fun I would have when I started this charity a couple of years ago.
Honestly, it is the only time I enjoy going in WalMart. I take about 5-10 friends and we fill up shopping carts. It is my favorite thing to do. Well that and delivery the gifts to the local schools. It is an absolute blast. I never realized how much fun I would have when I started this charity a couple of years ago.
That's awesome!

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