Don't Mix Business and Politics

Just a reminder that if you want to boycott businesses because you don't like the politics of the founder/owner/people running the business, you'll need to boycott a lot more than just the business you read about on Twitter with the raging lefty/right-wing owner.
Ok. You seem to be proving my point that your question was irrelevant to good business practices.
Not seeing that. I support any business owner to have the freedom to practice whatever they want. They can deny service to anyone for any reason IMO. If they are homophobic and deny service to LBGTQXYZ then that's fine. The market should determine whether that's a sound business policy. She was being oppressed by the same people that were skirting their own rules. She had 100% had the right to pint out that hypocrisy. Did it cause the demise of her business? Who knows? Did the restrictions placed on her business cause irreputable harm that she couldn't overcome? Plausible, IMO. Regardless it was her decision and she lives with whatever consequences come of it.
Pelosi and her party are as anti business as it gets. Hard to run a successful business when you are being taxed and regulated to deaths door. There’s a reason so many Californians are unfortunately running to Texas

Must explain California's sh***y economy.

Top ten state economies in 2021

1. Utah

2. Washington

3. California

4. Massachusetts

5. Idaho

6. Colorado

7. Maryland

8. Oregon

9. Arizona

10. Georgia
Not seeing that. I support any business owner to have the freedom to practice whatever they want. They can deny service to anyone for any reason IMO. If they are homophobic and deny service to LBGTQXYZ then that's fine. The market should determine whether that's a sound business policy. She was being oppressed by the same people that were skirting their own rules. She had 100% had the right to pint out that hypocrisy. Did it cause the demise of her business? Who knows? Did the restrictions placed on her business cause irreputable harm that she couldn't overcome? Plausible, IMO. Regardless it was her decision and she lives with whatever consequences come of it.

I support being a smart business owner and not letting your customers know you have no problem with airing their business on a cable news work. My point isn't about whether she should be forbidden from doing so and has nothing to do with denial of service. My point is that is a something she should have thought about before she did it, and now she's back on tv whining about it.

Edit: It looks like we agree about the part in bold. I just think it was a very bad decision.
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Must explain California's sh***y economy.

Top ten state economies in 2021

1. Utah

2. Washington

3. California

4. Massachusetts

5. Idaho

6. Colorado

7. Maryland

8. Oregon

9. Arizona

10. Georgia
What statistic is that based on?
I support being a smart business owner and not letting your customers know you have no problem with airing their business on a cable news work. My point isn't about whether she should be forbidden from doing so and has nothing to do with denial of service. My point is that is a something she should have thought about before she did it, and now she's back on tv whining about it.

Edit: It looks like we agree about the part in bold. I just think it was a very bad decision.
I think when you hold office you are a public figure and when you break the rules that you are putting on other people you deserve to be called out for it in a public fashion. If it were a conservative, I would feel 100% the same way. I detest politicians that think they are passing laws and advancing ideals that only apply to the "peasants".

As to whether it had an effect on her business closure, I don't know. It being in San Fran, the liberal capitol of the US, makes me believe it probably did contribute some. However in the long term it may help her if she leaves to open somewhere less liberal.

I regards to her "whining" about it now, someone once stated that there was no such thing as bad publicity. I guess we'll see how it ultimately plays out.

(Note: I don't really follow this lady so she may have moved and set up shop somewhere else.)
Knew that it had to be based in part on Cali's GDP which comes from its sheer size. Look at the "Economic Health column". You can literally make this study say anything you want for California's economy.

View attachment 386467

Didn't the article say it was looking at change in GDP, not absolute GDP. I took that to mean they were looking at the percentage change upward in states' GDPs. Thus, the absolute size of California's GDP wouldn't matter. Don't know what "economic health" refers to, but I'm guessing it has to do with a state's liabilities. God knows CALPERS has some sweet pensions. But you can't say that because California has a lot of liabilities they have a bad economy, especially when they rank so highly on other metrics. It'd be like saying some of Alabama's past National Championship teams were bad because they didn't have a dominant QB.
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Must explain California's sh***y economy.

Top ten state economies in 2021

1. Utah

2. Washington

3. California

4. Massachusetts

5. Idaho

6. Colorado

7. Maryland

8. Oregon

9. Arizona

10. Georgia
Take Google and Microsoft out of the equation........
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Must explain California's sh***y economy.

Top ten state economies in 2021

1. Utah

2. Washington

3. California

4. Massachusetts

5. Idaho

6. Colorado

7. Maryland

8. Oregon

9. Arizona

10. Georgia
That’s a very misleading list. They’re position is always going to be high due to real estate, the tech companies and the Uber rich people that live there. That doesn’t mean that it’s a livable place for the other 99 percent
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That’s a very misleading list. They’re position is always going to be high due to real estate, the tech companies and the Uber rich people that live there. That doesn’t mean that it’s a livable place for the other 99 percent
Leaping Lizards Batman, did you see the goal post move?
Didn't the article say it was looking at change in GDP, not absolute GDP. I took that to mean they were looking at the percentage change upward in states' GDPs. Thus, the absolute size of California's GDP wouldn't matter. Don't know what "economic health" refers to, but I'm guessing it has to do with a state's liabilities. God knows CALPERS has some sweet pensions. But you can't say that because California has a lot of liabilities they have a bad economy, especially when they rank so highly on other metrics. It'd be like saying some of Alabama's past National Championship teams were bad because they didn't have a dominant QB.
Don't know. I really wasn't taking to task. I'm just always interested in methodology on this kind of stuff. Their 3rd column - "Innovation Potential" - is about as nebulous as it gets.
So the owner didnt set this up as some hit job. Pelosi reached out and set things up herself. Owner even noted there was nothing she could reasonably do to stop it.

I never said the owner setup a hit job, just said she was aware of it before it happened and then allowed it to happen to catch her. Call that what you want. I am sure the owner could have stopped it if she wanted to. I am sure there is some sort of agreement between her and the stylist about conducting business and following health rules which would have included the COVID restrictions. If they didn't have some sort of agreement, then the owner was lost from the beginning.

In the end, the owner knew it was going down, allowed it, and then released the video of it. Crying victim at this point is just stupid on her part. Politics or not or whatever you want to call it, she got what she deserved.
Just a reminder that if you want to boycott businesses because you don't like the politics of the founder/owner/people running the business, you'll need to boycott a lot more than just the business you read about on Twitter with the raging lefty/right-wing owner.

Not really, freedom allows anyone to boycott any business they choose for any reason they would like and it also allows you to boycott "unfairly" by picking and choosing.
Not really, freedom allows anyone to boycott any business they choose for any reason they would like and it also allows you to boycott "unfairly" by picking and choosing.
I didn't say that people shouldn't be allowed to boycott unfairly, just that the idea of it is stupid.

I have personally noticed among people that do that that the boycotts they do have are generally "costless" to them (i.e., they never use that product anyway so they aren't giving up anything) but they have no problem continuing to buy/use something they like, even if they don't like the politics of the company.
Wow, you're right. It's not like California and Washington have any companies like Facebook, Cisco, Amazon, Apple, Oracle, Salesforce ....
No you're right. For their economy health to be 42 and 15 with all those companies booming during the shutdown everything else must have cratered.
I didn't say that people shouldn't be allowed to boycott unfairly, just that the idea of it is stupid.

I have personally noticed among people that do that that the boycotts they do have are generally "costless" to them (i.e., they never use that product anyway so they aren't giving up anything) but they have no problem continuing to buy/use something they like, even if they don't like the politics of the company.

I agree mostly. I am having a hard time thinking of something that I would buy that I don't because of the politics of the company. I think that is because most of the stuff I buy is from companies that either down play their political leans or don't really address them at all. I think people/businesses get in trouble when they take a stance publicly (i.e. Hobby Lobby or Dick's) that makes themselves a target. In those two cases, their are alternatives, so you can definitely shop other places. Maybe not so easy to do if you love Coke (not sure if they have done anything recently or not) or love Chick-fil-a sandwiches but don't agree with their stances.

In this case, there are probably 100's of choices for other salons so it is very easy to take your business elsewhere. I would hope the stylist had enough self-respect to take their client base to another salon after the owner did this to them.
Must explain California's sh***y economy.

Top ten state economies in 2021

1. Utah

2. Washington

3. California

4. Massachusetts

5. Idaho

6. Colorado

7. Maryland

8. Oregon

9. Arizona

10. Georgia
LMFAO more stupid **** from you. The top four states in order by GDP are

New York
I didn't say that people shouldn't be allowed to boycott unfairly, just that the idea of it is stupid.

I have personally noticed among people that do that that the boycotts they do have are generally "costless" to them (i.e., they never use that product anyway so they aren't giving up anything) but they have no problem continuing to buy/use something they like, even if they don't like the politics of the company.

I boycott WalMart not because of their politics, but just because I hate the place. I hate the dregs of humanity that shop there and I hate the store itself. But if they have some bad politics that I can use to justify my boycott, I would fell a whole lot better about myself.

VN Store
