Donte Stallworth Interview



Have at it Hoss
Jan 24, 2006
Huff Post live had a sit down interview with him and they covered a variety topics. They talked about his DUI, Manslaughter Conviction. Players coming out in Pro Sports, and many other topics.

It was a really good interview.

HuffPost Live
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He will get trashed on here for making a mistake in his life. Most members of VN are holier than thou and never ever make mistakes.
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Huff Post live had a sit down interview with him and they covered a variety topics. They talked about his DUI, Manslaughter Conviction. Coming out in the NFL, and many other topics.

It was a really good interview.

HuffPost Live

I didn't watch interview. Are you saying he acknowledged he is a homosexual?
** I read the article. Huff is misleading!!!!!!
"coming out in the NFL"
Boo to you
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I didn't watch interview. Are you saying he acknowledged he is a homosexual?
** I read the article. OP misleading!!!!!!
"coming out in the NFL"
Boo to you

I wasn't trying to imply he was gay sorry I didn't make that clearer. He talked about many topics.

He has been a proponent for gay rights for some time.
He will get trashed on here for making a mistake in his life. Most members of VN are holier than thou and never ever make mistakes.

The guy took full responsibility for his actions but that's not enough for the ivory tower dwellers.
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I just think its stupid that he served 24 days in jail for DUI Manslaughter and Vick served 21 months for dog fighting.

Maybe because one was an accident that was owned up to immediately and the other was funding and operating an illegal gambling operation that also involved the grisly and inhuman execution of countless animals. Vick also tried to deny it for months until his cousins sold him out.
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Killing someone when you're drunk & on weed is NOT an accident. It's a crime

Hahaha "on weed.." I bet he's got that Reefer Madness that's ruining all them youngins! I do agree though, if you choose to drink and drive you're 100% responsible for the outcome.
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Maybe because one was an accident that was owned up to immediately and the other was funding and operating an illegal gambling operation that also involved the grisly and inhuman execution of countless animals. Vick also tried to deny it for months until his cousins sold him out.

Still human life is a little more important than a dog's. I love animals, but killing dogs is not anymore illegal than killing a HUMAN
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Still human life is a little more important than a dog's. I love animals, but killing dogs is not anymore illegal than killing a HUMAN

Vick didn't go to prison JUST for killing dogs (dozens if not hundreds of them). He was operating an illegal gambling ring. He's lucky he isn't still in prison.

Like I said, Stallworth made a mistake and owned up to it immediately. He called 911 as soon as it happened. He went thru the legal process and pleaded guilty. If you don't think he spent enough time in jail then take it up with the judicial system.

And for those casting stones, I hope you have never gotten behind the wheel even remotely buzzed. If you have then stfu and look in the mirror because it could have just as easily happened to you.
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He will get trashed on here for making a mistake in his life. Most members of VN are holier than thou and never ever make mistakes.

Oh so easy to say. I am a police officer, go tell someone that a family member has been killed due to a drunk driver. Then look them in the face at court when the person responsible gets to do no time. It sucks @$$! He is one of my all time favs but he should have went to prison. My opinion only. Sorry if it pisses anyone on here off.
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I'm sure most havent had DUI's or been convicted of Manslaughter..

I believe in Stallworth's case his sentence had a lot to do with the fact that the pedestrian he struck was not at a cross walk and essentially jay walking. That is not to excuse him driving under the influence of an intoxicant but every case is different and the circumstances involved are taken into account. I am a good friend of Steve Oberman's who I think most lawyers in Knoxville would agree is the best DUI defense specialist in Tennessee and one of the best in the entire country. He cofounded the National College of DUI Defense and has authored many books on the subject, teaches a seminar at Caesar's Palace in Vegas and has argued cases to the Tennessee Supreme Court. Based on how busy he stays in such a small town as Knoxville and how filthy rich he is I would be willing to bet there are many posters on VN that have been charged with a DUI including yours truly in September of 2007 (Oberman got the case dismissed without prejudice upon my first court appearance as well as the charge of violating the implied consent law - for the low price of $15K in attorney fees :peace2: ) although most would never admit to it even in an anonymous forum such as this.
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Didn't watch/didn't listen. Killing someone when you're drunk is not an accident. Leonard Little comes to mind, as well.

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