I just think its stupid that he served 24 days in jail for DUI Manslaughter and Vick served 21 months for dog fighting.
Vick didn't go to prison JUST for killing dogs (dozens if not hundreds of them). He was operating an illegal gambling ring. He's lucky he isn't still in prison.
Like I said, Stallworth made a mistake and owned up to it immediately. He called 911 as soon as it happened. He went thru the legal process and pleaded guilty. If you don't think he spent enough time in jail then take it up with the judicial system.
And for those casting stones, I hope you have never gotten behind the wheel even remotely buzzed. If you have then stfu and look in the mirror because it could have just as easily happened to you.
Oh so easy to say. I am a police officer, go tell someone that a family member has been killed due to a drunk driver. Then look them in the face at court when the person responsible gets to do no time. It sucks @$$! He is one of my all time favs but he should have went to prison. My opinion only. Sorry if it pisses anyone on here off.
Guess I'll weigh in...you drive REMOTELY buzzed and kill one of my children....Yeah...there's gonna be some stone-throwing...and this is coming from someone who worked in thE field to try and save lives mangled by someone driving REMOTELY BUZZED!!!!!
Did you read the article - I can care less about him --- all I am am saying is $$$ talks. Stallworth also paid the victims family a financial settlement on his own - he was remorseful about it.
Anyone who doesn't make mistakes it pretty much a not being honest. I like to have my drink, but I don't drive after having one sip. Too many things can go wrong.:hi: